Better Screen Viewing

Jan 22, 2008
Grass Valley, CA
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom One XL
I just thought I'd post some info regarding viewing of the screen's during daylight hours, although
I don't have the Rider TT and do use the TT One XL and have installed a sunshade and the anti glare
screen protector, my screen is very difficult to see during day light hours, so today while on a PGR
Mission I set the screen on my night time screen with brightness set at 100%, although there was still
times I couldn't fully see everything I could at least make out the road I was on, speed and the next coming
up street, To me it seemed to be better than 85% better viewing, was wondering if anyone else has
been experimenting with this screen set up????
I have noticed a lot of users are creating their own colour schemes for different TT models and have considered trying some but will give the night time screen a try first .... I am curious to know where you got your anti-glare screen protector .... considering that my TT rider is not even available here in New Zealand, I don't hold too much hope of being able to get one here, but hope to pick up some bits when I am in USA in September this year.

Pacific Coaster on the Pacific Coast of New Zealand
For the record, in my experience the Invisible Shield is only intended to protect from scratches. It does little to reduce glare.

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