Bad Sites List

Feb 17, 2009
New Jersey
TomTom Model(s)
GO 930
Does anybody keep a list of sites to avoid?

I visited a forum site the other day while looking for a certain type of POI and despite working in IT and having what I considered more than respectable protections, I had to completely rebuild the machine it got so badly attacked and infested.

I know there is a thing about not posting links to pirated maps and things here, maybe a warning to avoid these types of malware sites might be good too?

I'm sorry for the aggrevation you suffered. As I type this, there have been 1333 views of the Announcement about pirating and warez sites. Not one has asked me, or anybody else, what a warez site is. The fact is that anybody using the internet should have up to date anti-virus software and anti-malware software installed on his or her computer. I don't think it is a good idea to try to maintain such a list here. There are plenty of software packages for which black lists are maintained.

To be honest.........we are kept busy enough trying to keep spammers out of this site. We don't have the time to try to keep members out of other sites.
Does anybody keep a list of sites to avoid?

I visited a forum site the other day while looking for a certain type of POI and despite working in IT and having what I considered more than respectable protections, I had to completely rebuild the machine it got so badly attacked and infested.

I know there is a thing about not posting links to pirated maps and things here, maybe a warning to avoid these types of malware sites might be good too?


What was the name of the forum you visited ? it is not practical as dhn said to try to monitor all of these - but since it was a forum, it might be helpful to know about it specifically.
Another point that makes a "list of bad sites" impossible was shown by the infection last year, where good sites were compromised and became "warez" sites.

It works the other way, too. "Rapidshare" is a site that lets anyone upload anything -- a file there could be a great POI list, or a destructive Trojan.

The worst thing, though, is the Social Engineering attack. I saw one on this forum where the poster promised a utility for uploading car images. His instructions said something like "Download this file, double click it, and when it asks for network access say Yes, and your files will be moved to your GPS.". If that doesn't set off alarms in your head! The mods got rid of that one real quick (it may have even led to the creation of the aforementioned announcement!).
Definatley keep your AV (anti-virus) program up to date. There's a free add for IE and FF (maybe other browsers as well) called "WOT" (Web of Trust). It's BHO (browser helper object) that ranks safe sites with a green symbol when you're Googling or searching for something. Also, if you happen to click on an known unsafe site, it will stop that page from loading. I've only used for about 3 months, but seems to work real well for me.

Here's a link if interested:

Internet Security | WOT Web of Trust
As dhn stated we have our hands full trying to deal with spam but I can understand a desire to have a list of "suspicious sites". One problem is that it is difficult to get some identified and others just change names. The real issue though is that if we posted the list some members might be tempted to navigate there just to see and others would use it as a means of finding illegal software. I just take the position that things off site are to be considered questionable and potentially harmful. Been there..done the tee shirt.

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