Not sure what happened but today I plugged my Tomtom into its home base and upload a single address into it from Google Maps using the send button. Then I had two updates the gpsfix and the Map share updates.
I go out to my car and go to my favorites and route my route. Now I have full bars on the gps signal. I start to drive up my street and it shows me two streets over. I stopped for 5 minutes and still no correction. I continue to drive, it corrects for like 2 minutes and shows what road I am on then all of a sudden I am on the 1 street over and it starts giving me wierd directions because it thinks I am on a road that I am not on. Here is the kicker I get on the highway and it shows me on the other side of the 4 lane highway on a road that follows the highway. For 18 miles same thing. I get to my destination and I do pin reset. It appears it is working fine again for like 10 miles and then I am off the road again, then corrects itself about 1.5 miles away from my house. So I am driving to my house, which my home location was entered by gps coords of me standing in my driveway. Now the coords are over 350 ft off instead of right on the money.
Now I drive this route everyday. It has been fine since I got the unit except for today and the only updates I did was the gpsfix, add an address, mapshare update before I left. I had a full gps signal at all times.
I am not sure what the heck is happening so I confirmed my location of where my orginal coords were at home and the tomtom is now showing 350 off. I get out my colorado and go to those coords and its in my driveway not in my neighbors yard where the tomtom is showing.
Any advice?
I go out to my car and go to my favorites and route my route. Now I have full bars on the gps signal. I start to drive up my street and it shows me two streets over. I stopped for 5 minutes and still no correction. I continue to drive, it corrects for like 2 minutes and shows what road I am on then all of a sudden I am on the 1 street over and it starts giving me wierd directions because it thinks I am on a road that I am not on. Here is the kicker I get on the highway and it shows me on the other side of the 4 lane highway on a road that follows the highway. For 18 miles same thing. I get to my destination and I do pin reset. It appears it is working fine again for like 10 miles and then I am off the road again, then corrects itself about 1.5 miles away from my house. So I am driving to my house, which my home location was entered by gps coords of me standing in my driveway. Now the coords are over 350 ft off instead of right on the money.
Now I drive this route everyday. It has been fine since I got the unit except for today and the only updates I did was the gpsfix, add an address, mapshare update before I left. I had a full gps signal at all times.
I am not sure what the heck is happening so I confirmed my location of where my orginal coords were at home and the tomtom is now showing 350 off. I get out my colorado and go to those coords and its in my driveway not in my neighbors yard where the tomtom is showing.
Any advice?