XXL540TM - how to show starbucks icon

Dec 20, 2010
Recently purchased my first GPS so far liking it. I would like to see Starbucks explicitly(along the route) like(McDonalds, Subway etc.) but it shows under the nightlife category icon. Is there anyway to update it?

Also when you see a POI along the route such as a gas station, how can you quickly navigate to that place?
Go here and scroll down to Starbucks (or any other restaurant file you wish) and download the custom .ov2 file and .bmp file. When you click on Starbucks, a new window will open asking in what format you want the file. Select TomTom and download the first 2 files listed (.bmp and ov2). Both go directly into the map folder.

Then, on your unit, Manage pois, you'll see Starbucks as a category. Select to show on map.

When driving and you see a poi on route you want to go to, Navigate to-->POI-->on route or near me should both work pretty well.
Thanks. It sort of worked. But when I search for it, there are duplicates. I believe it gets POI from the map and also from custom POI.

Is there anyway to change just the icon(in brand folder) for POI built in to maps?
The brand folder is only for a roster of brands that are built-into the Tomtom map. If the map-supplied Starbucks shows under a generic category, you can't assign a brand icon to it.
Well, you can try this.....backup your map first using Explorer.

Then..........(I found this information a long time ago but haven't tried it)

The following information refers to the restaurant chain 'Applebees'. Instead just mentally replace reference to Applebee's with the bmp that you have:

Now That You Have The Applebee's Poi And Btmp (logo)
If You Want To Update With Other Locations In Othe States Cities Or Towns You Go To Do This:

Turn On Tomtom Tap And Go To Page 2 Of 3 Tap Browse Map Then Tap Find , Tap Address, Tap City Center (for Example Miami Fl)
Tap Blue Dot , Tap Find Poi , Tap Any Poi Catagory, Tap With In 150m,
Write Applebee, You Will See All Applebees In That City,
Tap First Square, Tap Blue Dot ,tap Add As Poi , Write Applebee,
Tap Done! And Continue With All Squares You Will Have All New Icons With Logo. Instead Of Square With Fork And Knife......
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The first time I fumbled through the above procedure I got it to work. I left the screen, came back and the change was gone. I repeated the procedure many times without success, so I don't know...

Either the procedure is not described well enough or the above actually does not work. FWIW, I was able to follow 3/4 through what's described until the instructions didn't correlate with what is shown on the unit anymore. I would post what I did from that point, but if I can't get the change to materialize again, it makes no sense to post it.

Maybe somebody else will have more stable luck with this.

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