Wrong destination calculating

Nov 30, 2020
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/ca.png" alt="Canada" /> Canada
TomTom Model(s)
start 25
tom tom start 25 after map updating asking find destination via POI by NAME and after calculating show destination 400 km but really it just 20 km. How I can fix it?
Oops, thought that it was a NAV2 device. If at your last updates you got a QuickGPSfix and you still have the problem I would recommend a 'Factory Reset'.

Let's see if there are any less radical suggestions by others.
thanks! I'm tried to get some research and put real address like city ,street, number. GPS find out this destination and give me right distance 16 km. But when I tried find same destination via POI by name, GPS showed me distance 400 km. Oops! Anyway, thanks for responds and I will try using "factory reset".
What is the name of the POI for which you were searching, what town did you expect it to show for that POI, and what town did it instead show you?
This is good question . I'm living in Edmonton, AB and I was tried to found Value Village located in St. Albert, AB. It's 20 km away from Edmonton. How I did it you can read above. What kind a town was instead show me no idea but it must be St. Albert .
Seems to be a problem with TT's POI list.

I am 4 km from the nearest Value Village but a search returns one 54 km away as the nearest.
Have a look at the map to see what they missed!
Since September I am trying to get speed changes done to a road. 2 km stretch with a 250 m school zone at 50 km/h.
Late July top and bottom section became 50 km/h too. Top section was accepted early October, bottom section still "Pending"
I cannot be bothered to send in geo tagged picture and they keep one portion pending.
For the last 2 years with the old version I didn't bother any longer. The new version was like a breath of fresh air but now they are back in the old rut. Guess a Leopard doesn't change its spots.
Screen Shot 12-09-20 at 07.51 PM.PNG
The problem is with the 1060.10573 map.
Open a page with https://mydrive.tomtom.com/en_ca/ (or go to it from MyDrive Connect). Allow location and put Value Village. You should be getting the same as with the Google map, including the correct one.

@canderson MDW and cell NDS show all the proper locations. Been too busy to post about it in the other list.

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