Will 8.30 Map work with Navcore 7.903?

Nov 8, 2007
I have a TomTom One 2nd Edition, (called "One New Edition" by TomTom Home) and I previously upgraded to Navcore V 7.903, but was unhappy because of repeated freezing and rebooting. I was/still am using Map V 6.75.

With the maps on sale right now, I have found that the latest application I can upgrade to on my One is 7.903. When I go to "Add Maps" from TomTom Home, the only one that shows up is the one that's currently on my computer. No options to download.

But when I go to the TomTom Website and select my version, it says I could download the newest 8.30 Map. Will that work with the 7.903 application?

Also, is there any place I can view what's different on 8.30? There are a few new roads around me, and if they're not updated, there's no point in spending the $$.

With the maps on sale right now, I have found that the latest application I can upgrade to on my One is 7.903. When I go to "Add Maps" from TomTom Home, the only one that shows up is the one that's currently on my computer. No options to download.

7.903 is the application, not the map. My understanding is that you can use 830 maps with that application for your model.

As to whether new roads have been added.....

Look at google maps for your area and that may be one indicator. Another is if you ask in this forum for users with that map to give you feedback on specific roads you are looking for and the area in which you reside.
I have a TomTom One 2nd Edition, (called "One New Edition" by TomTom Home) and I previously upgraded to Navcore V 7.903, but was unhappy because of repeated freezing and rebooting. I was/still am using Map V 6.75.

With the maps on sale right now, I have found that the latest application I can upgrade to on my One is 7.903. When I go to "Add Maps" from TomTom Home, the only one that shows up is the one that's currently on my computer. No options to download.

But when I go to the TomTom Website and select my version, it says I could download the newest 8.30 Map. Will that work with the 7.903 application?

Also, is there any place I can view what's different on 8.30? There are a few new roads around me, and if they're not updated, there's no point in spending the $$.


Some 830 maps will work but others won't.
Why don't you upgrade your Navcore and that way you can use 830 maps?
Because the 7.903 IS the latest application for that model.

Upgrading an application for a model which was nor meant for it can work. On the other hand, it can also brick the unit. Been known to happen.
Because the 7.903 IS the latest application for that model.

Upgrading an application for a model which was nor meant for it can work. On the other hand, it can also brick the unit. Been known to happen.

Never read a unit being broken because of upgrading an application. Something else must have happened.
No doubt w/Navcore 7.903 he can use some 830 maps but he won't get full usage of 830 maps to do ALG and IQ routes.

I have a TTOne v3 w/SD card running Navcore 8. 413.1237 w/latest 830 maps and running w/out a hickup.
There are two types of v830 maps there is the type that supports the ALG/ IQ Routes for Go-x20, x30 and x40 it is also used for the XL IQ and XL IQ Live and the One IQ. For all other devices including the older devices TomTom supply a v830 map devoid of the ALG/ IQ Routes data it is made from the same map data but simply doesn't contain the extra data - Mike
I have a TTOne v3 w/SD card running Navcore 8. 413.1237 w/latest 830 maps and running w/out a hickup.

Then I suspect you are running a hacked Navcore version since that version is not available for any TT model, to the best of my knowledge.

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