Why is my XL worse than my One???

Mar 26, 2011
I have just upgraded to an XLiq with a nice picture on the box for lane guidence. Anyway despite trying to get all my fav places from my one to the XL (failed BTW) I dont understand why the XL is worse at so many things... The speed cam sign is much smaller, there is no option to 'add my location' to the fav's plus the lane guidence (posh pic on front of box) does not happen it's small arrows in bottom middle of screen! What have I done wrong the One unit was great and have used it for years without issues. Main problem was the speed numbers were to small to see in my old age! Any help or ideas please?? oh yes and there is no compass arrow option!!
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A lot of TomTom's "new and improved" models are downgrades in terms of functionality.
If we knew who decided that was a good idea, I think we would gladly strangle him....

However, on to your specific issues...

"Lane guidance" (or more correctly "Advance Lane Guidance" or "ALG") *is* the little arrows in the status bar.

The pretty picture on the box is of a subtly different feature, called "Reality View".

One or both features may be turned on or off in different places in the preferences menu (dependant on model).

On the model in front of me the Reality View setting is in "Advanced preferences" page 2 and is a tick-box called "Show lane images". You may have to look for it in a different place on a different model.

The big thing you need to know about it is that it only appears on SOME major junctions, nowhere near as many as when the ALG arrows show.


Copying your Favourites...
If you still want to achieve that, post again and we can give you some instructions.


Compass arrow.... Not having it is a TomTom "improvement"!


Smaller Speed Camera sign... yup, that's another "improvement"!

Do you have the ability to add user-POI files on that model? If so and If there is an alternative camera database provider in your country, I would suggest using that instead, as you may be able to download alternative icons which will show a little larger (eg the PGPSW database in the UK).
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