Why add an avatar?

May 29, 2017
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
I keep being told "It would be really helpful if you could add an avatar"

Why is this helpful? Helpful to whom?

The threads already show the title so you can easily follow a conversation and they already show the name of each poster so you can easily follow who said what.

Being grown up, I stopped reading picture books some time ago and I cannot see the need for adding more pointless pictures to what is essentially a textual conversation. Is it simply pandering to members' egos by allowing them to believe they have the 'best' avatar.

I'll turn off the reminder now but am curious as to why they are needed at all.
So don't do it. You seem to get uptight over the smallest things.
Thank you but that doesn't really answer the question. Why is an avatar helpful, especially if you suggest I don't do it?
The idea is so others may recognize a user's posts in a thread somewhat quicker by spotting the avatar. It's only a suggestion made in the Board software.
The idea is so others may recognize a user's posts in a thread somewhat quicker by spotting the avatar. It's only a suggestion made in the Board software.
OK, Thank you for the (polite) explanation.
I keep being told "It would be really helpful if you could add an avatar"
50 years ago I came to this country to learn English.
I have since learned that there is a difference between a suggestion and being told.

Being grown up, I stopped reading picture books.
Would you like to chance a guess why companies pay large sums to designers to create logos.

More to the TomTom business.
We have been complaining about the NAV4 interface since its inception that compared to earlier version one must read items on the screen instead of absorbing them at a glance.

I'll turn off the reminder now
Could that not have been done without any ado!

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