Which Database ?

Sep 2, 2014
TomTom Model(s)
Today I should get my new 6000 TomTom unit.

The unit will have TomToms camera warnings from the Road Angel camera database on it...But is there a better and more accurate database that I can easily put on it ?
Really confused by what you are referring to. There is nothing the user can add to that model, including custom pois, speed cameras, etc.
Ok thanks for the info.

So there is nothing I can add to the device other than what comes with it.

I had heard that you could add things like a seperate camera database via the POI .

I notice you are from Toronto,many of my family are from a town called Markham which is not far from Toronto :)

Thanks for the advice...
If the truth be known, I actually do live in the city of Markham -- town is Thornhill. Very confusing.
If the truth be known, I actually do live in the city of Markham -- town is Thornhill. Very confusing.
Haven't been there since 1979 lol.
Another coincidence lol I visited your page and in the box at the bottom where it says *following * there is a pic of my younger brother lol.
Got the 6000 now and have been loading the maps etc.
Should be finished of when I go back to work tomorrow.

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