What's covered in each POI?

May 10, 2007
Phoenix, Arizona
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom One 2nd Ed
As I scan the generous POI listings on these boards, is it me or is it not always apparent what parts of the country are covered by a particular POI file uploaded for public use? I realize that sometimes this information is clearly indicated in the accompanying message, but not typically from my experience. I could be missing something, but it seems it would be quite helpful to know what's included before going through the trouble of installing a file.

If the more experience members see it differently, I'll humbly defer to their opinions.
Yeah, I've downloaded POIs before discovering my city and state were not covered. I soon discovered, though, that the bitmaps were useful in creating new POIs. You just have to go through the effort of modifying already created POIs and/or creating new ones using the bitmaps from the POI you downloaded. (Depends on how much effort you want to put into having little brand-name pictures appear on your TomTom.)

Or, you could simply delete the unwanted POI bmp and ov2 file from your TomTom and submit a special request to the kind forum members who voluntarily submit POIs for everyone to use.

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