Voice Guidance

Nov 12, 2008
Im just wondering if anyone has noticed what i consider to be not a great way of doing voice guidance. Basically what ive noticed is say, while driving on the highway and your exit is approaching on the right. At about .25mi, the TomTom will say, something along the lines of, In One Quarter Mile, Take the Exit Right, towards whatever, Then keep Left. Now when it is about 300 feet, it then announces, Keep Left. Now i would think since your next move would be taking that exit on the right, then keeping left, it would announce, Take The Exit Right, Then Keep Left. It just seems misleading and has confused me for a second more then once.
Ehh, it takes some getting used to... When I first got the device, whenever the device would say "Right turn ahead" I'd make the next right, when it really was only just giving me an early warning. My dad also fell for it as well. "Right turn ahead" made it seem like your turn is just right ahead..

As far as what you mentioned, I'm not sure if I've gotten confused by that yet.. All I know is that my device will tell me to take the exit, then to stay either left or right, which has saved me many times because as soon as you exit, the road almost instantly splits. I guess I don't fully understand what you're saying because I'm incredibly tired at the moment.. Blah.. I'm sorry..
This happened to me. Relying on the voice instruction can be
confusing with several exits lined up ahead, the voice instruction
could not catch up. I ended up trapped in my lane.. and exited
in the next lane. Or one exit earlier. The good thing is the tomtom is very fast in rerouting. This happens during my first time driving to a new location.
The next time, I already know when to exit. the gps voice command
becomes simply a reminder.

When in doubt, just press the 'arrow' direction and it will
update as to what to do next. Or better yet take note of the
exit name displayed on the screen.

You can experiment with the 'speech preferences'.

-- disable advanced warning (i.e. right turn ahead).

If you have created a custom voice command, this will
also 'add' to the text-to-speech. and can sometimes be out-of-sync
with your present location.

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