VIA 1500M & MyDrive?

Aug 1, 2009
TomTom Model(s)
VIA 1500M; One 3rd Edition
I replaced my old XL with this one and I'm a little lost. Win XP & 7 will not display the device like TTH did. I'd like to copy a custom POI file to the VIA and make a backup but I can't figure out how to do it. Also, when I registered using a new email address, I saw something about a "90 day" map. I got the impression this device is not lifetime maps but thats what I paid for (it's on the box).

Thanks. Lost (and cold) in MO.
The 90 day thing is probably to take advantage of the Latest Map Guarantee. You do need to register for the lifetime maps, though (also may be a 90-day window to do it, I forget) and the best way is to call CS to do it for you:

United States
866 486 6866
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST

You can't back up the map using MyDrive but, once it is installed (get it at and your device is connected to the computer, open MyDrive and log in.

There should be a link in the desktop icon for 'Add Community Content'. Click it and another web page opens where you can add (or remove) a lot of stuff including custom poi files.
The 90 days message referred to compulsory registration for life time updates.
If not registered in those 90 days there will be no free updates afterwards.

Your old device was a so called Nav2 unit, using HOME to communicate with your computer.
Your new one is a Nav3 device that requires different software, to be downloaded from TomTom's web site. It is called MyDrive. You mat have documentation that calls this MyTomTom. The functions of bothe are the same it is just the MyDrive uses a more "modern" interface (to attract the kiddies?).

The new software does not recognize your device as an external drive, it now shows as a network adapter.

After you install MyDrive and start it it will put an icon in the task bar. When you click on that a small pop up window comes up with a line called Add community content.
There you can add POIs (Favorites are now in Favorite.ov2, a POI category), voices, screen colour schemes, the startup splash screen, warning sounds and carsymbols.,

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