USA maps on a Go950

May 14, 2012
TomTom Model(s)

I keep my maps up to date - or so I thought, by using Tom Tom Home.

Having visited Florida recently I discovered to my horror that my USA map was 23 months old (out of date?). On returning home to the UK I again checked my maps and Tom Tom Home again said my maps were up to date. Hmmm.....

Is there another method to use to check that the USA map is up to date?

What version is it? The current one is 885 and 890 will be out next week. Since maps are released 4x a year and the numbers increment by 5 each time, do the math (backwards ...... )
Try tapping the bottom right of the status bar and see whether a new screen shows up with the application version number. If so, tap the version number and the following screen shows the map installed and its version number.
You need to actually SWITCH to the US map (in the menus) before Home will even look at it or suggest updating it.

You also need to switch to it in order to see the version number by the method outlined above.
We should have the maps right now shouldnt we?
I think that the new maps would normally be out this week but I saw a posting somewhere that said that the poster had heard that this time it was going to be a week late. I cannot say if the poster knew what he was talking about, but I haven't received an e-mail yet from TomTom announcing a new map, so it may well be true.

With best wishes,
- Tom -
One of my Tomtom contacts had said that they planned to release 890 maps last week, but had a problem and had to delay release to early this week.

Assuming no further unforseen delays, I would expect release on Wednesday.
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Try tapping the bottom right of the status bar and see whether a new screen shows up with the application version number. If so, tap the version number and the following screen shows the map installed and its version number.

ok so having selected the US map, i now tap the bottom right of the screen which is marked No Route Planned. This then comes up with a message 'No route planned'. No version number is visible.

What have I done wrong?

Do you have a setting for Me and My Device-->My device? If so what does that screen show regarding map info.
Ahh.. found it under 'Status & information'. Version 845.2645. So 2 years old?

many thanks everyone

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