updating Points of Interest

Mar 23, 2010
Edinburgh, UK
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom XL IQ2 (XL350)
I can add and edit the POIs that came installed on the TomTom, but the third party ones I added with TomTom Home don't seem to be changeable at all, is this correct?
You don't say what model you have.

With application 8.351 on my 720, I can go: Preferences-->Manage pois-->Edit poi-->select Poi near you, or in city or near Home....

Next screen is a list of ONLY custom ov2 files I've downloaded and installed in the NA map folder.
I can add and edit the POIs that came installed on the TomTom, but the third party ones I added with TomTom Home don't seem to be changeable at all, is this correct?

I believe you are right.
As for me, I cannot edit my own POIs on Tomtom unit, I have to do it on the computer at home.
But anyway, I cannot do it does not mean it isn't doable, maybe someone else can.
You don't say what model you have.

With application 8.351 on my 720, I can go: Preferences-->Manage pois-->Edit poi-->select Poi near you, or in city or near Home....

Next screen is a list of ONLY custom ov2 files I've downloaded and installed in the NA map folder.

TomTom One V3

It's quite annoying not being able to edit them as there are a few mistakes and I'd like to add to them as well.
On the device that you have you could run a custom menu to get the full POI menu options available on it, ,once you have the Manage POI option its easy to select a single Custom POI category and edit the contents on the device, the downside to running a custom menu is that you lose MapShare and HelpMe options.
To be honest the easiest way to create, edit or enhance details in a Custom POI file is to use the POIEdit software on your PC, POIEdit can be downloaded from Here - Mike
What are the POI Categories you are looking at? as for increasing accuracy it is possible using Google Earth but it will take you hours if there are a large number of entries to check - Mike

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