Tyre not loading .kml file properly

Aug 13, 2009
TomTom Model(s)
Go 720

I saved a route in Google maps as a .kml file. When i open it in tyre its not showing the exact route i have mapped out. What are my options? I tried to use My poi manager and couldnt figure out how to convert the .kml file to an .ov2 in that program and another one i tried isnt free. Why the heck is this hard when it should be simple? Thanks for any help.

i tried this site earlier and maybe you can tell me what im doing wrong. I browse to my .kml file open it on this page then choose "save as" and i choose .ov2. it then asks me to save or open and i choose save but it doesn't name it with any file extension. So i tried adding the .ov2 extension to the end of the file name and it opens in tyre but shows as some strange icons and not a route. :(
A route is really a series of lat/long points. Is that what you are seeing?

Possibly that's what it was but i cant even go back to take a screenshot because i updated TYRE to the newest version 6.0028. Now I can successfully load the .kml file yet it still shows a slightly different route than the one saved in my google maps. My whole trip is planned on the blue ridge parkway yet it keep me on a road NEAR there but not it. Strange.
Not really. An itinerary is a list of waypoints the user wants to pass through. A gps will still determine HOW to get from point to point.

So, the more points you list (that model can have 48 waypoints/itinerary), the less likely the tomtom will deviate from the roads you want to travel by.

Make sense?
Not really. An itinerary is a list of waypoints the user wants to pass through. A gps will still determine HOW to get from point to point.

So, the more points you list (that model can have 48 waypoints/itinerary), the less likely the tomtom will deviate from the roads you want to travel by.

Make sense?

yes, i get what you're saying but when i look at the route i planned on Google maps there are only 22 waypoints technically. So all i want to do is load the route i specifically plan from google maps on my go 720(using tyre of course) without the gps deviating. :rant::rant:

Sorry that just me dealing with this silly thing that seems simple to me but yet its not. ha
But the TomTom will take into consideration (using IQ routing) the best way to get from point to point. Google maps does not have that functionality.
Where you're going wrong is in thinking that you have specifically planned "a route" in Google maps.

The gist of it is that you NEVER store a "route" in it's entirety, only a list of waypoints on that route. That's what a .kml file is.

Whatever device or system you load that onto will always make it's own decisions how to get from one waypoint to the next.

So to force it to make less "bad" decisions, you need to add more waypoints.
Where you're going wrong is in thinking that you have specifically planned "a route" in Google maps.

The gist of it is that you NEVER store a "route" in it's entirety, only a list of waypoints on that route. That's what a .kml file is.

Whatever device or system you load that onto will always make it's own decisions how to get from one waypoint to the next.

So to force it to make less "bad" decisions, you need to add more waypoints.

ok thanks for the suggestions guys.

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