Turning off interchange lane arrow screen?

Jan 25, 2009
TomTom Model(s)
I have a TomTom 930, and it has an interesting quirk when it approaches some freeway interchanges.

The normal scrolling map is blanked out, and in its place, the TomTom draws a simulated picture of the interchange the driver will be facing, with arrows telling the driver what lanes to be in.

This might be useful, but I'd much rather see the normal 3D scrolling map and interchange diagram as the interchange is approached. I feel blinded by this full-screen replacement of the normal scrolling map with this other picture, just when I could use the normal scrolling map the most, to tell me what's coming up at the interchange.

The TomTom draws a picture of the freeway, with text on the big green signs that unfortunately bares no resemblance to what they say in real life, so it's not very useful.

Is there a way I can turn this "feature" off? I tried looking through the pages of preferences but couldn't find a reference to this screen. Maybe I don't know the term that TomTom uses to refer to this "feature".


You are seeing the Reality View associated with Advanced Lane Guidance.

Preferences-->Hide Lane Images (page 3)
Upon turning off the ALG images, just so you know, you will still have ALG on the lower left corner (the arrows will tell you what lane to be in) but you just won't the getting the blinding images you don't like.

It was a weird difference for me when I upgraded to a 720 from a ONE XL which didn't have ALG. I must admit, that the first few times the ALG static images came on, I kinda freaked out because I looked up at the TomTom and felt like someone put their hand in front of my TomTom screen blocking my screen, since I'm used to only seeing the real-time 3D map. It does come in handy for me now though since I got used to it.
Thanks! I made the settings change, and will see if it worked next time I'm on the road. Didn't know it was called "advanced lane guidance".

I'm glad it still puts the ALG arrows on the screen, even when the full-screen ALG display is turned off. And I'm glad I'm not the only person who felt blinded by the ALG display taking over the entire screen from the usual 3D scrolling map.
I think it should look like this with the lanes choices shown in the lower left:


Advanced Lane Guidance
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I'm pleased to report the settings change worked well, and I no longer have the "reality view" appear and take over my entire screen.

Instead, I have an even better reality view: the diagram of the interchange as I drive through it! That is much better to me, as the interchange diagram will reflect how it is laid out in real life, unlike the "reality view" which, ironically, was idealized.

I have my status bar adjusted to appear vertically, down the right side of the GPS, instead of at the bottom. The reason is to maximize vertical screen space. By having as much vertical space as possible, I can see oncoming intersections more clearly. This is a great feature, and I recommend this to anyone.

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