
Jul 31, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
tomtom one new edition
i made a back up of my tomtom one new edition device and then I formatted my sd when i connect it with home, i click the updates and as soon as they are being installed on sd card an message comes to the screen telling that cant create a ttsytem file.

please help me because i have a trip very soon. :(
Why did you format the card?
What method did you use to make the backup?
Have you tried restoring your backup, or is that what you are doing when you see the message "can't create" message?
If the above is true, have you tried, or do you know how to restore your backup manually (not using Home)?
i made my back up using home. and the message "can't creat" is shown when i connect the device to the computer and when the automatic updates are being installed.

i would appreciate if you tell me how to restore manually. with home it's impossible, because the "backup/restore" button is not active.

it says: "you cant use this feature because its not supported by your device"
Again ... Why did you format the card? Was there another problem that started all of this?

One additional detail we need ... there are two different "New edition" models that were sold in Europe (it appears you are in Albania) with different memory configurations. Please identify the first two digits of your unit serial number. I would guess that it will be Z1, Z2 or Z3.

Once we know for certain which unit you own, we can sort out where things need to be. One model has no internal memory.
i formatted my sd card because i wanted to put in it western and central europe maps.

Im actually in albania but i bought my tomtom in italy. actually i cant find my serial number. my friend told me that is next to barcode but can you tell me how digit is the full serial number.

i can see a serial with 6 digits: N14644.

but i'm not sure if it is the serial number. :confused:
That N14644 is not the serial number.
Look for something that looks like Z11469H00982. It might not be that long, but again, I suspect it will start with Z1, Z2 or Z3.

Formatting your card isn't the normal way to install maps. Also, you will likely not be able to install the full W and C Europe maps at once due to memory limitations, but we'll get to that later.
actually i cant find a number starting with Z but there is a number:
OK - that's a ONE 2nd Edition, and possibly the one that has no internal memory, and all must be on the SD card.

Let's look at your backup situation briefly.
Navigate to My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Backup\GO
Do you see a folder there called Backup01?
yes there is a folder backup01 which contains backup info.

And is it possible to use another sd card with more memory?
You cannot use a memory card of more than 2GB, and it MUST be a 2GB SD, NOT SDHC card. These are still available, but require a bit of looking, and you will want to assure that it is NOT a SDHC before you buy it.

OK - let' s work from your backup for a moment. If we can get your backup working, we can start your process over correctly.

In that Backup01 folder, there may be another folder... but in any case, you are looking for one that contains a a number of folders (including your old map folder) and quite a few files, including that one called ttsystem.

You don't say how you formatted your card before, but do so again using FAT32 and NOT the Quick Format option.

Once your card if formatted, copy all of the folders/files you found in your backup directly to your formatted card. Disconnect your card/unit properly (you don't say if you are using a card reader or doing this directly on the device) and shut down and restart your unit.

Does it boot normally and function normally after that?
Also, I am guessing that you have a 1GB card that came with your unit? I'm still not 100% certain which model you have. Do you remember whether, when you plugged in your working unit before, your PC saw one or two additional 'disk drives'?
i understand everything but i think i didin't make my backup correctly. all I can see is just a file called backup info.
i understand everything but i think that i didnt make the backup correctly. all I can see is a file called backup info.
That is all that is inside the backup01 folder??? Not good news. Well, we can try to force a firmware update, but it won't matter much if you don't have a map. We'd better look to see if by any chance you ever had reason to download one. Please look here:

My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\complete

Is there a folder in there that is called 'map', and if so, does that folder have any content?
thank god that folder exist and it have contents.

now how can i make a firmware update?
I STILL need to know if you are using a card reader or hooking your unit to your PC to format the card to get the steps right.
no I am not using a card reader. my card is into the gps and its connected through usb cable
OK. If it has any content from your previous work, please format again as FAT32 device. Otherwise...

When you connect your unit, Home should run. When it does, and it discovers that there is no operating firmware, it should offer to supply you with that firmware as an update. Select ONLY that update (if others are offered, uncheck them) and let the firmware install. Let's see if that works. Tell us what version it offers, too, please.
TomTom calls their firmware the "Application".
my suggestions are some voices (and i deselected them as you told me) and "tomtom application for One" version 6.560

should I download it?

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