TTG 1000 v extra voices


Aug 2, 2011
TomTom Model(s)
TTG 1000 live regional
I had John Cleese and then just recently Homer Simpson on my TTG 500. I have bought TTG 1000 live but I think it was someone on support said that there is a problem with extra voices on the 1000 at the moment.
Has anyone got extra voices on there '1000' as there is no record of this on their information.:thumb:
If your Go1000 is running latest v10.200 software (not available everywhere yet), then you are able to add "Community content".
This means you are able to add voices you've downloaded from elsewhere or that you had on a previous model.
I have done this successfully on my Go1000 Live.

However, wasn't there something about voices you BOUGHT from TomTom only being usable on the single device they were bought for (rather like the maps are)?

Hopefully I'm wrong on that last point.
Hi Andy.
1. I'll check the software version although I have only purchased it on the 29/7/2011. When I logged on and registered in 'My Tom Tom' it told me that "4 maps and something else," (I can't remember what it was), where down loaded to my GO Live 1000. The next time I was on 'my TT' it states that "...everything was up to date".
2. It is the first time I've heard of 'single use' before. I'll have to check that as well but could take a few days before I get an answer.
To put you in the picture I bought GO 500 - GB area in 2005, (following a stroke which left a few defects, one being slight problem with 'short term memory'), which all I was interested in. Over time I got "hooked" on it and eventually upgraded to GO live 1000 - regional. So don't be surprised of my lack of knowledge.
I'll get back to you on the top 2 items. Thanks.
Celeb voices purched from TomTom are indeed locked to the device in a similar way to that used for the maps, in the same way they are not transferable without assistance from TomTom Customer Support (UK phone number 0845 161 0009).

Celeb voices purchased from third party vendors (not TomTom) are not locked to a device and maybe loaded to more than one device (assuming the useless MyTomTom interface lets you carry out such action) - Mike
If your Go1000 is running latest v10.200 software (not available everywhere yet), then you are able to add "Community content".
This means you are able to add voices you've downloaded from elsewhere or that you had on a previous model.
I have done this successfully on my Go1000 Live.

However, wasn't there something about voices you BOUGHT from Tom Tom only being usable on the single device they were bought for (rather like the maps are)?

Hopefully I'm wrong on that last point.
Hi Andy
The answers were:
2. The best I got was that the extra voices via Tom Tom was still not available but they would let me know if and when it arrives - I hope they do!
The info I managed talking about 3rd party I found a bit confusing but is possible. (I'm not an computer engineer only a "lack of knowledge" home user).
I bought a new computer a while ago with windows vista. I then found out that vista was memory hungry and other problems that's why they brought out windows 7. I hope I'm not going to have the same problem with TTG 1000 live, knowing my luck. :(
A quick summary...
If you bought those two voices from TomTom themselves, you won't be able to copy them onto the new Go1000.

But if you bought them (or got them free) from somewhere else (i.e. "a third party"), then so long as you are running the latest software (updated to v10.500 since my last post) then you can install them.
I got an email showing me how to select a 'third party' and put it on my G 1000. As I'm a basic computer user I might have a go.
Where will I obtain third party 'voices'?
Thanks Andy.
I looked at the sites but ignored 'Celebrity Tom Tom voices' and 'gps data' as even they say, (I can't even find the note from them on there page on second look ....."tom tom 1000 - with others, can't have these other voices.......) something like that.
I've had similar like this with other programs in the past and got myself in a heck of a mess.
I think I will quit while I'm ahead - I wished I'd studied computers a long time ago, too late now.
Thanks Andy for your time and patience.
The two sites were correct in stating the voices weren't usable on your device, but that changed with the latest TT application update from a few days ago as Andy and Mike have already written. I'm fairly certain you can successfully install those 3rd party custom voices to your 1xxx as long as your firmware version is 10.2xx (or up:))
Only 3rd party voices are available on Tomtom at this time.

Tomtom has said that its directly-sold licensed voices are coming in a couple months. See here.
The two sites were correct in stating the voices weren't usable on your device, but that changed with the latest TT application update from a few days ago as Andy and Mike have already written. I'm fairly certain you can successfully install those 3rd party custom voices to your 1xxx as long as your firmware version is 10.2xx (or up:))
I think it is about time I should explain my ability to be successful.
I am 63, had a stroke in 2004, the usual I am left with: left arm is U/S, walk short distance (with my leg support). What people don't see until I open my mouth is slight problem with my speech, (only when I'm tired or stressed). what isn't noticeable is my short term memory hence the purchase of TTG 500 in 2005. (Sent it back and still waiting for my cash back).
Only a basic computer user, which is a poor excuse but that's the level I'm at. (monkey see, monkey do).
I've read the threads entered in Jan., 2010 to date what Tom Tom are saying: "still not available - voices G1000 live, regional..."
Tom tom where going to get additional voices a year ago - haven't arrived yet.
So where ever you are depends whether you get voices or not - I think. Confusing isn't it, well it is to me.
I know extra voices is secondary but I like to have Homer Simpson when I've got my grandson on a journey.
Some people in England have got it no doubt but I can't.
I look at the programs - "....make sure the "abc", "efg", etc., are correct.....". To me - no chance. I've done similar things in the past and found myself in a mess thus making me weary.
I know it has been me waffling on but I am trying to let you know the dilemma I'm in.
I can sympathise with your understandable confusion.

One of the troubles with the internet is that it is so easy to present a million pages of information to the world, but seems so hard to keep any of them up to date, :)

The situation as of today is this...

ALL TomToms that connect to "MyTomTom" (the so-called "NAV3" models) should now be able to load and use extra "real" recorded voices such as the ones from those three sites I gave links to.

I have done this and know it works.

But the computer-generated ones that can read out street names, cannot be shared between different models.

The only other issue (nothing to do with the new models, is that if you BOUGHT a voice from TomTom (maybe your Homer Simpson one?) then Tomtom locked them to one particular unit to stop people sharing them (just like they do with the maps).

If you know where your Homer Simpson came from, we can hopefully tell you whether it will be possible to re-use that one, or whether we can find a replacement for you.
I can sympathise with your understandable confusion.

One of the troubles with the internet is that it is so easy to present a million pages of information to the world, but seems so hard to keep any of them up to date, :)

The situation as of today is this...

ALL TomToms that connect to "MyTomTom" (the so-called "NAV3" models) should now be able to load and use extra "real" recorded voices such as the ones from those three sites I gave links to.

I have done this and know it works.

But the computer-generated ones that can read out street names, cannot be shared between different models.

The only other issue (nothing to do with the new models, is that if you BOUGHT a voice from TomTom (maybe your Homer Simpson one?) then Tomtom locked them to one particular unit to stop people sharing them (just like they do with the maps).

If you know where your Homer Simpson came from, we can hopefully tell you whether it will be possible to re-use that one, or whether we can find a replacement for you.

Thanks but the info on 'My Tom Tom' on the internet still states that the G 1000 live does not run with extra voices at the moment. Anything that is greyed out so that I counln't download it even if I tried.
If I had realised that was possible I would have said 'Yes' when 1 of the questions I had 'Homer Simpson', and 'John Cleese' would be returned to me. I can't remember where I bought my 'G 500' back in 2005/6.:confused::confused:
Thanks but the info on 'My Tom Tom' on the internet still states that the G 1000 live does not run with extra voices at the moment.

Have you got a link for where it says that? Maybe we can get it changed/updated.

Here's a pic of the MyTomtom screen where you can add voices. you can see I've added the two Irish voices 'Sean' and 'Kathy' (the files called data161.chk' and data162.chk).


Anything that is greyed out so that I counln't download it even if I tried.

If I understand you right, that's something different... I never said you could DOWNLOAD new voices via MyTomtom.... only that you could add ones you already have or had downloaded with TT Home.
I've tried EVERYTHING. The things you all have talked about I can't find, I don't know where to go to pick up on any voices, I'm just going round in circles.
I've looked for your last email showing me the 2 voices that you've received where do I go for them. If they say 'log-on with "thingy" or " wot sit" files I'm sure I'll get lost.
I think that you all must be working on special files that I nothing about because it has all gone way above my head.
Oh, incidently, if I'm miraculous and get the "other voices", chances are NIL), are are they like the ones like 'Homer', 'John Cleese', or 'C3PO'? That's what started this all off.
OK lets start again and split it into manageable chunks...

If you start the "MyTomTom" program on your PC with the TomTom connected by USB and switched on, and then click on the MyTomTom icon in the bottom right corner (next to the PC clock), do you see a line saying "Add community content" like this?


If you do, then you have the right version to be able to add new voices. Let us know if you have this option.

If you can find voices on the web, you can load them onto the Go1000.
There are many places to get them from, here's one:
TomTom voices free download in TomTom forum - GPS POI
(HOPEFULLY they are all copyright-free like they say they are).

Some celebrity voices were SOLD rather than given away. It may not be possible to copy those onto a different TomTom than the one they were bought for.
That might make it hard for you to find a PARTICULAR voice.
Thanks for your patience.
I followed your instructions, (pressed bottom, right hand corner next to clock).
On the lists that followed it stated "there is no blah, your device".
When I was writing this answer I couldn't go back to the wording exactly but it came over clear enough.
The thing is I had just loaded via a message with, again with the automatic download, it finished with "your device is up to date".
As for the other 2 options it came with so many items that I didn't know what to do.
Sorry, but it's hard for us to work out what you are experiencing if you don't give us exact details of the messages etc. that you see.

"there is no blah, your device". doesn't really give us much to go on!

To get anywhere which my first section, the TomTom needs to be connected to, and recognised by, the computer and by the MyTomTom program.

Are you getting a message that it isn't?
My Tom Tom - free space 3184 MB
1. Clicked on bottom, right and had 'Add community contents'
2. 'Add community to my device'
3. On the list:
Comm. POI
Comm. Add colour schemes
Comm. Add vehicles
No problems there.
4. All other on list:
Comm. Voices - add voice
Comm. map colour schemes - add colour
Comm. images - add image
Comm. vehicles - add vehicle
Comm. warning sounds - add warning sound
All of these stated: 'There are no community content items in this category on your device'.
I know that my 'Tom Tom Home' was for my 'Go 500' but I tried it anyway. When I tried my Go 1000 live' it showed:
'No device connected'.
I hope I have covered it for you.

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