TT: Map Support History ?


May 13, 2008
We are looking at a couple of options for GPS for our employees. We travel throughout the US and Europe so nearly everyone needs support in both. Most of us prefer something on our PDA's (almost all HTC Kaisers, but a handful of iphones) but with rumors that TT will no longer be supporting/updating maps for Nav 6 we're shying away from that option. If we go with 930's what can we expect in the future as far as map/poi support?

We've read many of the threads about people getting screwed by TT on free maps after purchase which gives us a lot of concern. What though is their history overall? Are we likely to find in 2 or 3 years that we can no longer get map/poi updates at all or do TT do a good job of continuously supporting old products as long as you're willing to pay for the maps?

They're no longer providing updates for Nav 6 which is still being sold gives us a lot of concerns. On the other hand I think we all prefer TT interface over all others.

Thanks (and sorry for the long post),
We are looking at a couple of options for GPS for our employees. We travel throughout the US and Europe so nearly everyone needs support in both. Most of us prefer something on our PDA's (almost all HTC Kaisers, but a handful of iphones) but with rumors that TT will no longer be supporting/updating maps for Nav 6 we're shying away from that option. If we go with 930's what can we expect in the future as far as map/poi support?

We've read many of the threads about people getting screwed by TT on free maps after purchase which gives us a lot of concern. What though is their history overall? Are we likely to find in 2 or 3 years that we can no longer get map/poi updates at all or do TT do a good job of continuously supporting old products as long as you're willing to pay for the maps?

They're no longer providing updates for Nav 6 which is still being sold gives us a lot of concerns. On the other hand I think we all prefer TT interface over all others.

Thanks (and sorry for the long post),
As long as you update the map once a year, and keep in mind, you will have to make a separate purchase for each individual unit, you will get plenty of updates for the software. I have had my ONE for a year, and get updates to software at least once a quarter. Not sure what you meant about not updating Navcore 6. most units are using Navcore 7, that's what I'm currently using.
Thanks Smokie. My question is really looking out several years. What is TT's history with how long they continue offering updates for a device - EG, at what point do they discontinue updates? Have there been instances of TT discontinuing map and software updates for a device within maybe 5 years of offering the device for sale? What I don't want to happen is that we purchase a bunch of devices and then 3 or 4 years from now TT discontinue supporting them.

When I said Nav 6 I was referring to Navigator 6 software on PDA's. I should have been more clear. Sorry about that.

It appears that TT may have discontinued offering map updates for this software based on comments from their tech support folks and recent releases that work for all devices except Navigator 6. A direct concern with this is making a decision to purchase a PDA based on it including TT Navigator software that may now no longer be able to receive map updates (and existing maps, as we're all aware, are often about 1 year or more behind actual road changes). My biggest concern though is what this says about TT, their integrity, and potential for them doing this again in the future with some other device.
TT's website promises the x30 series to be 'future proof' in that users will always have access to new maps (for a price, of course) and firmware upgrades.

For whatever that is worth .....:confused: :confused:
Don't forget we are speaking about an electronic device here... They all evolve at a very rapid pace! Five years is a really long time in this field. Think of DVD players, over a 5 year period, the features change. I expect maps to be bigger and bigger, that the cpu to treat them will need to be faster and more efficient etc.

Sometimes I think of when I was working on assembling file servers, 14 years ago, and putting huge SCSI disks of 600MB wondering how anyone could be able to fill that up! Just formatting them for Novell took many hours to finish!
Thanks Smokie. My question is really looking out several years. What is TT's history with how long they continue offering updates for a device - EG, at what point do they discontinue updates? Have there been instances of TT discontinuing map and software updates for a device within maybe 5 years of offering the device for sale? What I don't want to happen is that we purchase a bunch of devices and then 3 or 4 years from now TT discontinue supporting them.

When I said Nav 6 I was referring to Navigator 6 software on PDA's. I should have been more clear. Sorry about that.

It appears that TT may have discontinued offering map updates for this software based on comments from their tech support folks and recent releases that work for all devices except Navigator 6. A direct concern with this is making a decision to purchase a PDA based on it including TT Navigator software that may now no longer be able to receive map updates (and existing maps, as we're all aware, are often about 1 year or more behind actual road changes). My biggest concern though is what this says about TT, their integrity, and potential for them doing this again in the future with some other device.
Ok, I don't think anyone could have forseen Tom Tom discontinuing the support for the PDA software. Also, take into consideration what Gilbert said. They might have a new breathrough in 5 years that makes current devices obsolete, and it would be no longer cost effective to offer updates. I have had my device for a year now, and I've been happy with the updates that they have made in this short period of time.
I don't want to be forced to spend $500 in 1 year, 2 years, or even 3 years on an updated device because TT have discontinued providing updates. If technology advances rapidly I may well choose to upgrade, but that is my choice. When purchasing a product that requires up-to-date information and then to have that information cut off is a bad thing.

That TT have apparently chosen to discontinue support for the PDA products they've sold (actually, are still selling) raises the issue that they are willing to do so and thus may well choose to do so again with other products. They apparently do not hold to any policy along the lines of continuing to provide maps for X years after a product has been withdrawn from market thus rendering the value of their products suspect.

THAT is our concern. Our employees who have previously purchased Navigator 6 (12 within the past 6 months) are effectively up a creek. They cannot get desperately needed updates. As much as we like the TT interface, we have significant concerns with regard to how TT is managed.

This raises huge concerns with us regarding the integrity of the people who are running TomTom.
I don't want to be forced to spend $500 in 1 year, 2 years, or even 3 years on an updated device because TT have discontinued providing updates. If technology advances rapidly I may well choose to upgrade, but that is my choice. When purchasing a product that requires up-to-date information and then to have that information cut off is a bad thing.

That TT have apparently chosen to discontinue support for the PDA products they've sold (actually, are still selling) raises the issue that they are willing to do so and thus may well choose to do so again with other products. They apparently do not hold to any policy along the lines of continuing to provide maps for X years after a product has been withdrawn from market thus rendering the value of their products suspect.

THAT is our concern. Our employees who have previously purchased Navigator 6 (12 within the past 6 months) are effectively up a creek. They cannot get desperately needed updates. As much as we like the TT interface, we have significant concerns with regard to how TT is managed.

This raises huge concerns with us regarding the integrity of the people who are running TomTom.
The only constant is change
The only constant is change

One example of this is computer motherboard memory... In the past 20 years, I don't count the number of times I changed motherboards. Only once was I able to reuse the memory from the previous motherboard! All too often, the newer faster memory of higher capacity was cheaper than trying to upgrade the previous memory to the new capacity! About 5 years ago, I paid 360$ for 1GB of memory, compare this to today's prices! My first hard drive, a Priam 60MB RLL, cost 850$! I could go on but you all get the point: electronic devices evolve fast and are assets that quickly depreciate in value over a short time!
Yeah, I understand you concern GGW, but I think there is just no way to be sure that when you buy a product it will be supported for as long as you would like it to be. My personal opinion is that if you were to buy one of the high end units that it would be useful for at least the next five years, but who knows. Tomorrow all of the satellites could fall out of the sky and make all of our GPSrs paperweights!

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