Tripmaster V1.6 b1

Sep 5, 2006
Drammen, Norway
TomTom Model(s)
iPhone / Android / GO1015
Tripmaster v1.6 Beta 1 is available here :

This version includes :

- a new interface for speed limit and maximum speed management
- 4 pre-defined speed limits can be defined and chosen one by one, in a single click
- a bug fix for a tracks filename loss, when a reboot occurred during its creation
- the capability to choose between snapped or real GPS coordinates
TripMaster is just what I needed

I just wanted to throw my two cents in regarding the TripMaster software..

I really like it!!!

My wife bought me a TomTom One for Xmas this year and it's main use will be on my motorcycle..

So - after using this forum to find the mount that I needed ( I figured I was all set..

That was before I really started getting into all the features of the GPS and realized that it lacked anything that I could use for distance riding where I know where I am going but want to ensure that time/speed/distance equations are being adhered to.. Then I found tripmaster, also from this site :D and now I am all hooked up..!!

Thanks to whomever decided to start this site !! so far it has been my one stop shop for information and goodies as I leave the age of MAP and enter the era of GPS

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