triplog -where did I go?

Oct 2, 2010
Where did I actually go when I got lost?
I know there are privacy issues with Tomtom recording where it has gone and that one can buy add-ons to do that but when I looked at the files on my IQroutes I found:-

/statdata/triplog-2010-08-30.dat 784 2010-08-30 19:17
/statdata/triplog-2010-08-25.dat 4575 2010-08-25 15:38
/statdata/triplog-2010-08-24.dat 330 2010-08-24 20:19
/statdata/triplog-2010-08-23.dat 1455 2010-08-23 19:42

The dates of these correspond to journeys made and the sizes to length of the journeys but the content is binary. They are cleared on connection to Tomtom Home where no facility to use them appears.
What data is held in these logs and in what format?
Is it held on the PC after Tomtom Home connection?
Is there any 3rd party utility to read them?
When you first set up an account in Home, it asks if you are willing to share anonymous data with them. If you say 'yes', then every time you make a trip, the information about the trip is put into a file and uploaded to Home when you connect to Home.

The file is placed here: C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Statdata

after being copied there from the statdata folder on your unit, then erased. But the various logs just accumulate on your unit. least I think that's how the process works......

I don't know of an app that will read the data in one of these files.
The file is placed here: C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Statdata

after being copied there from the statdata folder on your unit, then erased. But the various logs just accumulate on your unit. least I think that's how the process works......
Negative. They accumulate on the unit only until such time as they are copied to the PC. Once connected and transferred, they all go away from both the unit and the PC.

The only file that should remain on the unit is the allowtrip.dat file. If the content is a single ASCII "2", you've agreed to move the data back to them for analysis of average speeds (collecting IQ routes data) and things like roads where they didn't expect to see them -- at least, didn't expect you to be driving! Enough indications of an "off road" experience from various users is (should be) a flag that the map area in question should be investigated for updating either through corrected geolocation, or adding/deleting/moving a road on their map.

Seriously binary and seriously not obvious how the data is being stored. I doubt anyone will ever find out without a warrant or court order to trace back a crime with the log data. Even then, I would imagine TT could agree only to parse and provide the clear text, not give up the encoding scheme.

OK, so how DO I get logs. I've downloaded "Tripmaster" but it doesn't seem to be installable into the IQroute, being a "cab" file alone.
Is there a legitimate plug-in to do logging?
OK, so how DO I get logs. I've downloaded "Tripmaster" but it doesn't seem to be installable into the IQroute, being a "cab" file alone.
Is there a legitimate plug-in to do logging?
?!? Where did you download that file from?

The primary package is distributed as a *.zip and contains no *.cab files. Ditto for the "hook" program.

Go here: Le Web Bazar !!! Tripmaster !!!

1) Download the file indicated at "Download this version"
2) Download the file indicated at "Program for TomTom v8.x or v9.x compliance"
3) Read the instructions on the download page entitled "How to install Tripmaster ?" and follow them.

Should be a piece of cake if you get the application from the source as opposed to somewhere else...

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