Touchscreen not responding

Feb 28, 2008

I have a TomTom One 3rd Edition that I bought a few weeks ago that has up and quit on me. The touchscreen won't accept any input. I've tried a soft reset, which takes me to an Agreement screen. When I try to click "Accept," nothing happens. Now, I can kind of drag my finger across the screen and the "Accept" button will flash blue (which tells me that it at least knows my finger is there), so I try to click in that space, thinking the screen was just out of alignment, but all the button does is flash at me every time I tap the screen. There are, by the way, several places on the screen that will cause the button to flash blue when I pass over them.-

Anyone have any ideas? I've used this device for a grand total of 10 minutes, and the trip for which I bought it is tomorrow! Unfortunately, I've tossed both the box and the receipt so I may have issues if I try to return it to WalMart.


I have a TomTom One 3rd Edition that I bought a few weeks ago that has up and quit on me. The touchscreen won't accept any input. I've tried a soft reset, which takes me to an Agreement screen. When I try to click "Accept," nothing happens. Now, I can kind of drag my finger across the screen and the "Accept" button will flash blue (which tells me that it at least knows my finger is there), so I try to click in that space, thinking the screen was just out of alignment, but all the button does is flash at me every time I tap the screen. There are, by the way, several places on the screen that will cause the button to flash blue when I pass over them.-

Anyone have any ideas? I've used this device for a grand total of 10 minutes, and the trip for which I bought it is tomorrow! Unfortunately, I've tossed both the box and the receipt so I may have issues if I try to return it to WalMart.


The fact that the screen is responding to your touch (flashing when you touch it) leads me to believe the hardware (the screen itself) may be ok.

Sounds like the software isn't interpreting the touch correctly.

I would try a couple of things:
1) Clear Flash Tool from TomTom
2) Perform a hard reset by pressing the button on the bottom (with a paperclip) with the TomTom ON

If the above doesn't work, the next step would be to use Windows to perform a CHECKDISK on your TOMTOM
1) In Windows Explorer, right click on the TomTom "Drive"
2) In the menu that pops up, click on PROPERTIES
3) Click on the TOOLS tab
4) Under Error Checking, click on CHECK NOW

If that doesn't work, the last option is to reinstall a backup of your operating system. Use TomTom HOME or simply copy all the files from a backup to your TOMTOM.

If NONE of those work, then I would consider a potential hardware issue...
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Thanks for the quick reply, Bird.

I tried all of your suggestions, but unfortunately, am stuck with the same brick. I went to Wally World to try to return it, and on the way I turned the TomTom on in a last act of desperation, and surprisingly, it was trying to navigate me to whatever waypoint I had last put in it. It was still stuck on the agreement screen, but dear old C3P0 was yelling at me to turn around. Frustrating, for sure.

Of course, WalMart laughed me out of the store when I showed up sans receipt and box, but ah well. Lessons learned and all that.

Thanks again! Guess I'll be using Google Map print outs for my trip...bummer : )
Thanks for the quick reply, Bird.

I tried all of your suggestions, but unfortunately, am stuck with the same brick. I went to Wally World to try to return it, and on the way I turned the TomTom on in a last act of desperation, and surprisingly, it was trying to navigate me to whatever waypoint I had last put in it. It was still stuck on the agreement screen, but dear old C3P0 was yelling at me to turn around. Frustrating, for sure.

Of course, WalMart laughed me out of the store when I showed up sans receipt and box, but ah well. Lessons learned and all that.

Thanks again! Guess I'll be using Google Map print outs for my trip...bummer : )

Wow, so even a backup copy of your software didn't work? If that is true, then it sounds like you truly do have a hardware issue..
If you try everything you have left only one solution
Send it to a repair centre

[live link removed by moderator - if you're attempting to sell your repair service as you have posted it in numerous posts, please contact our forum administrator regarding paid advertising]
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Considering you are replying to a post over 2 years old, not much point having a link in the message, eh? ;)
Does the screen "look" ok? I was starting to have a similar issue with the screen. But I also noticed there was a weird section on the screen (colors just not as vibrant). I took apart and found that the battery has actually swollen ever so slightly. This was causing there to be pressure on the screen, from the back.

My solution, dremel a little extra plastic out of there to give the battery some more room. heheh. I'm getting a new unit when this one completely dies or I'd had just got a new battery for it.

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