tomtomhomeruntime.exe failed with error 1058

Oct 14, 2010
i just bought this gps system. and when i try to start home i get this error message. can some one help/ im using Vista

i just got it to work. what i did was right click on the icon open up properties. and put a check in where it says. run as windows XP SP2. and now it works.

i also faced this problem many times but i fixed it, i also got some help from the website as given in my title, hope someone might get help from this article.
When you try to start a service (say, Windows Update) on your computer, you may receive error 1058. A description will also appear which is shown below: Error 1058: "The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it."
Reregister Windows Update Files
Uninstall Recent Updates
Repair Windows Registry
Verify that the Service is Not Disabled
Verify Essential Services are Already Started
Scan System Files
In the desktop icon for Home, right click it and select properties-->compatibility tab. Choose to run as XP compatible.
In the desktop icon for Home, right click it and select properties-->compatibility tab. Choose to run as XP compatible.

DOH! I got it, you just need to go to c:\programs\tomtomhome2\ and click on it's properties. However, I still have the same problem. I'll try uninstalling everything and try again. Thanks for your help.
Be sure also you do the same thing to the INSTALLER before you run it again, then do this to the application once it is installed.
Checking for any updates, I ran across this same error using Windows Vista. Go to the folder that contains the TomTom.exe Right click on properties and check the run as Windows XP and it worked.

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