TomTom / ttcode websites

Apr 29, 2007
Hi all,
I am trying to log into TomTom & ttcode websites for the last 2 days from my home computer with no success. I am able to go to other websites except TomTom's. I have tried searching without any answers. Appreciate any comments or help if possible. Thanks.
I'm also not experiencing problems with either site. Can you go into more detail?
Have you tried emptying your browser cache and cookies? Sometimes they get fouled up and it is trying to load bad information. Clearing them should allow you to load the page from scratch.
Thanks for all your comments. Don't know what to say coz' I have really tried every incl deleting my cookies as another member suggested. I know its not my computer since I can access other web sites and I have the same problem by using my mom's computer. It is really strange that I can not access to both TomTom or ttcode websites. I either get "time out" or "the page can not be displayed"??? Pls help. Thanks.
Thanks for all your comments. Don't know what to say coz' I have really tried every incl deleting my cookies as another member suggested. I know its not my computer since I can access other web sites and I have the same problem by using my mom's computer. It is really strange that I can not access to both TomTom or ttcode websites. I either get "time out" or "the page can not be displayed"??? Pls help. Thanks.

That is weird, I can access fine.

Try clicking these links
Cant Connect with

Ive been having the same problem for over a week now - ever since I received a 510 as a birthday gift. I have tried on both my Mac and PC with no success. I had the opportunity to check the site on a friends computer with a different Internet Provider with no problem.
I contacted my IP and after some techno babble they admitted that my ip number was part of a new batch starting with 99. and that they were having difficulty with some customers not being able to access certain websites. They will be assigning me a new ip address tomorrow, so hopefully it will work then.
Ive been having the same problem for over a week now - ever since I received a 510 as a birthday gift. I have tried on both my Mac and PC with no success. I had the opportunity to check the site on a friends computer with a different Internet Provider with no problem.
I contacted my IP and after some techno babble they admitted that my ip number was part of a new batch starting with 99. and that they were having difficulty with some customers not being able to access certain websites. They will be assigning me a new ip address tomorrow, so hopefully it will work then.

Interesting. Thanks for pointing that out.
tt web

What I.P. service are you using? I am Rogers,com hi-speed in Ontario Canada.
I tried to access the TT site on my laptop at my friends house(MCI Server) and accessed the TT site with no problem. So now I know it isnt a computer problem
Again. Thx for all your support. I am from Toronto, Ontario and is using Rogers high speed at home. Other than my IP, the only other possible cause I can think of (common to all my computers at home) is my router. Wonder if its possible that my D-Link wireless router is causing this problem. Thanks.
Are you accessing through a wireless connection? Perhaps the connection isn't strong enough and are simply timing out. Can you access the site through a wired connection?

This is just a suggestion (I don't want to be responsible for knocking your network down:)) but why not just unhook the router, and plug the cable modem directly to your computer and see if you can access the site. Do not do this if you are not comfortable with setting everything up.
Hi all, I am using a wifi setup. Connection s/b fine since I am able to access all other sites. I have also tried turning off all security software with no luck. Will try to play with my Dlink router tonite since that is the last remaining common factor between my couple home computers. Thanks.
TT Web problems

Hi Sungfra
Well I am on wireless as well and like you I have tried to access the TT site with all of my security programs turned off. I even (with Rogers Tec Help guidance) connected my laptop directly to the Cable DSL modem with no success. Last evening I had my neighbour an IT person who is on Rogers Hi-Speed try to access the site from his computer with no luck.
Rogers TechHelp has indicated that they believe the problem lies with a new batch of IP addresses they are using in particular those beginning with 99.
I did contact TT help desk and offer this info to them, but they seemed to feel it was a problem with my computer, operating system, software, router (anything but their website rejecting IP address beginning with 99.
I did tell them that I was using both Mac and PC with no luck.
I will be back at Rogers to see what they can do about assigning a different IP number, but as they are dynamic I dont hold much hope.
Cannot Access Tom Tom Either

I can access outside if hooked up via my verizon wireless card but when on local home network cannot access. To me it looks like it may be a router problem at my ISP (Comcast)

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