Tomtom map freezing on androidauto

Dec 6, 2022
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
I have noticed on many occasions the Tomtom map freezes on android auto. any soulutions?
I've seen this occasionally when Android pauses the app because it thinks it is idle in the background.

Try opening the Tomtom app on your phone when it freezes. That puts it in the foreground and wakes it up sometimes.

Also, make sure all the run in background permissions are enabled for both android auto and Tomtom. And also make sure any battery saving options are disabled for those two apps.
I've been experiencing this recently too and temporarily solved it by what the previous poster said to open the app on my phone. I found that rebooting my device appears to help but not sure if that is by chance. I'm using a wireless connection maybe that is related.
Which phone and android version did you experience this?
I noticed a similar issue on Samsung s22 & android 12.
app v3.6.81 & v3.6.67
Le problème est récurrent au moins depuis juin 2022, j'espère à chaque mise à jour que le problème sera résolu mais il n'en est rien. J'ai un abonnement jusqu'en mars 2023 sur Redmi note 11 pro 5g sur Android auto. Tomtom est désinstallé. J'espère recevoir une info quand le problème sera réglé... En attendant j'utilise Sygic, gmap ou waze qui fonctionnent sans problème. Dommage car pour moi Tomtom go android est la meilleure appli de navigation

The problem has been recurring at least since June 2022, I hope with each update that the problem will be solved but it is not. I have a subscription until March 2023 on Redmi note 11 pro 5g on Android auto. Tomtom is uninstalled. I hope to receive an info when the problem is solved... In the meantime I use Sygic, gmap or waze which work without problem. Too bad because for me Tomtom go android is the best navigation app
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I can confirm this issue, even with the latest betas of TomTom GO and Android Auto. Already in touch with "Eva" from TomTom Beta support. No solution so far. The workaround: Start TomTom before (!) the Android Auto connection. A bit annoying, but is working fine for me.
BTW: On Android Auto coolwalk design now, navigation bar is vertical now (having a wide screen display). Good improvement, more usable space for TomTom Go on the display.
Merci beaucoup pour l'info. Pour ma part, l'abonnement est résilié. Je suis passé chez Sygic et aucun problème même si je préfère Tomtom. Je trouve inadmissible que les développeurs ne règlent pas le problème récurrent depuis 8 mois. Quand au service après
vente il est aux abonnés absents. Pour moi le problème est résolu... Waze et gmap sont stables ainsi que sygic.

Thanks a lot for the information. For my part, the subscription is terminated. I went to Sygic and no problem even if I prefer Tomtom. I find it unacceptable that the developers have not solved the recurring problem for 8 months. When the after-sales service is absent subscribers. For me the problem is solved... Waze and gmap are stable as well as sygic.
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It seems that the issue has been introduced by a change in Android Auto, rendering several navigation apps incompatible. The joke is: Even Google Maps is affected. I have read something about an location pass-through feature. Probably some kind of bad or missing communication from Google to the companies like TomTom...
And here is at least a workaround: Just block the location permissions for Android Auto itself, then TomTom Go is working perfectly fine again when streamed using Android Auto.
Reported this to "Eva" from Beta support, let's see...

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