TomTom GO 510 Emulator slow as a slug!

Apr 20, 2007
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom GO 510
Since the last software update to TomTom HOME (App Version 7.903), my GO 510 is as slow as a slug when operated via my computer. Anyone else with this problem?? I contacted TomTom some time ago and they said it would be corrected with the next update; but I've heard nothing further. Are all GO 510s with HOME 7.903 acting this way?? It is extremely :mad: bothersome!!! Thanks in advance for your response.
I've noticed no difference in speed when connected to the computer. Have you tried to turn off your anti-virus, when connected? :)

Yes. I just read your post, so I disabled my Norton's Internet Security (AntiVirus, AntiSpyware, Advanced Protection). This had no effect. The emulator runs LIKE A SNAIL. I used to be able to do a "route demo" at 500X and it would ZIP through the route. Now, it runs LIKE A TORTOISE.

This has been going on since March. On March 3, 2009, I wrote TomTom Customer Service and was offered the following reply:


Thank you for taking the time to contact TomTom Customer Support regarding the TomTom Home features for your GO 510. My name is Cassie and we are always happy to help.

The Emulator feature, through the Home Program, is not currently functioning properly. We are in the process of resolving this issue; however, there is not an estimated time of release. We apologize for the inconvenience and any frustration this may cause.


As of today, July 23, 2009, my emulator function is still running LIKE A SLUG. It takes 10 seconds to go 150 yards! Ridiculous!

I can't even use the text/typing function properly. Each letter I type takes 2-3 seconds to appear on the screen. If I type too fast, letters simply get skipped. Sometimes it doesn't recognize when I've used the spacebar or backspace keys, until 10-15 seconds after I pressed the key!!

This is horrible!! Is this unique to my device? Is no one else in the Community experiencing this issue? Why has TomTom marked the issue "closed," "answered," etc, only to seemingly ignore the issue altogether?

I am so frustrated with this apparent lack of support and/or inefficiency, inability to recognize the issue, unfamiliarity with the problem, and obvious disregard for seeing the problem through to successful remedy.

PS I am using a TomTom GO 510 with App version 7.903 and HOME version There are no newer updates. None of the updates I've installed--either for the App or for HOME--have solved the problem. The Emulator runs like a blob of molasses. It just stinks and I'm at my wit's end trying to communicate with TomTom Support. They have had no suggestions for fixing the issue whatsoever. In fact the SECOND time I queried them with regard to this issue (after installing a new HOME update), I received the following reply:


This update release was strictly an update supporting the new Map Update Service. It was not a release aimed at correcting the issues with the emulator. We apologize for any inconvenience.


To make matters worse, I purchased a brand new USA & Canada map just before leaving on a one-month trip by car across the width of the US. This was great! ONLY TO FIND OUT THAT THE ROADS IN MY APARTMENT COMPLEX WERE ***DELETED*** ON THE SO-CALLED "NEW MAP". I had NO WAY TO NAVIGATE TO THE MAIN ROAD!!!! USELESS!!!!

I'm sorry; but can you tell I'm about to chuck my TomTom GO 510 off my third-floor balcony???? :mad:

I'm trying to completely uninstall TomTom HOME. I'll let you know if it worked; but I am very skeptical. At this point I'm afraid I'll only compound the problem. Is there a "sticky" on this forum which describes a COMPLETE uninstall of TomTom HOME? I haven't been able to find one. Thanks.
Go to Control Panel on your computer -- >Add/Remove Programs-->wait till the screen is populated-->scroll down to TomTom Home, highlight it and click 'remove'
Interesting. When I went to uninstall it, it wasn't listed in Add or Remove Programs. So, I used the "Uninstall TomTom HOME" button at Start > All Programs > TomTom > Uninstall TomTom HOME 2.

(Off did "TomTom HOME 2" come about? Why was that necessary? What happened to just plain "TomTom HOME"? Curious. Was it because at one point, TomTom HOME had to be reinstalled?)

Anyhow, I deleted TomTom HOME as above. Should I attempt to uninstall and reinstall again? TomTom HOME and TomTom HOME Visual Studio Merge Modules both appear in Add or Remove Programs. I also uninstalled and reinstalled the Merge Modules component. After doing all that, the Emulator still doesn't work properly.

I prepared an 8-minute video showing the difficulty I'm having, both with the sluggish Emulator and the "missing roads" (I can't plan a route from my apartment; because the GO attempts to plan the route from my GPS position--but because MapShare is so slow, there is no connecting road to the first navigable section!).

Here's a link to the video. Sorry about the quality, I'm a pretty poor speaker.
First you said TomTom home didn't appear in Add/Remove then you said it did?? I'm confused. Anyway if it is removed, then download and re-install it.

As to the no road issue, I replied in your other thread but I will here. Take your unit to the road closest to your house (long driveway, perhaps??) Make sure you have a clear satellite signal. Set that location as Home.
Sorry about the confusion. The first time I uninstalled it, it didn't appear in Add or Remove Programs, so instead I used Start > All Programs > TomTom > Uninstall TomTom HOME 2.

After reinstalling it, it DOES now show up in Add or Remove Programs.

Should I uninstall it again, this time using Add or Remove Programs? And if so, should I also uninstall TomTom HOME Visual Studio Merge Modules again? Seems pointless; but thanks.

ALSO: I tried changing my Home location via Change Preferences > Change Home Location > My Location. I was standing IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET on a navigable street. No effect. When I returned to my apartment and tried to plan a route--ROUTE NOT FOUND. The TomTom GO 510 apparently wants to plot the route based on the current GPS location, not on what I call "Home". When it sees I am on a "dead-end street" (thanks A WHOLE LOT, MapShare :mad:), it tries to plan from THAT SPOT--and FAILS.
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No, the point was to uninstall it the first time, which you accomplished. Between you, me and the lampost, I don't have a clue what that second TT reference is to in the add/remove programs, either. :D I'd just leave it.

The point is, is the emulator any better with the re-installation of Home?
Nope, unfortunately, there was no difference after reinstalling HOME.

Troubleshooting this device is so frustrating. If I weren't so intimidated by it, I'd almost rather just format the unit and SD card and start all over from scratch. Maybe then it would function as it's supposed to... But formatting the unit itself and the SD card is an awful lot of work, I'm sure.

I don't have a lot of Favorites in it, maybe 24-32 or so; but I also have this "new map" (a whole 'nother problem), a few voices, a customized start-up screen, and whatever other customizations I've done. And then there's the effort it would take to re-install all that stuff...

I feel like having a good cry. :(
First follow the instructions here to make a backup of your unit's contents.

Then......format the internal unit's drive as fat 32

Then ..... restore your backup using Explorer.

Next, do the same process for the sd card in your unit...backup, format, restore.

Do the backup for the sd card to a DIFFERENT folder than the one you used for the main unit's backup.
Before I totally mess things up, I'd like to know a couple things.

First... I have a TomTom GO 510. I don't think there is an "internal drive." If I'm not mistaken, the only "memory" or "drive" in the TomTom GO 510 to format is the SD card itself, which is a 2GB card. I will need to format the card while it's in the GO--I don't have a card reader. Therefore, I assume I can just leave the GO connected to the computer during the formatting? Please confirm that.

Second... I used Windows Explorer to copy the contents FROM the E: drive (in Explorer, the GO shows as TomTom ( E: ) ) to a folder on my Desktop labeled "TT Backup 07242009 1400." To restore the GO's contents, all I need to do is copy and paste the contents of that folder BACK TO the E: drive? Please confirm that as well, then, I'll proceed. Thanks...
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First... I have a TomTom GO 510. I don't think there is an "internal drive." If I'm not mistaken, the only "memory" or "drive" in the TomTom GO 510 to format is the SD card itself, which is a 2GB card. I will need to format the card while it's in the GO--I don't have a card reader. Therefore, I assume I can just leave the GO connected to the computer during the formatting? Please confirm that.

That is correct. If everything is on the card for your model (and you can confirm that by looking at the contents using Explorer. You should see a bunch of folders and some loose files not in any folder. Among the folders will be a specific map folder)

Second... I used Windows Explorer to copy the contents FROM the E: drive (in Explorer, the GO shows as TomTom ( E: ) ) to a folder on my Desktop labeled "TT Backup 07242009 1400." To restore the GO's contents, all I need to do is copy and paste the contents of that folder BACK TO the E: drive? Please confirm that as well, then, I'll proceed. Thanks

Yes......create a folder on your computer somewhere (desktop is ok). Use Explorer and copy everything from the sd card to the backed up folder. Ensure the copying went well before formatting the sd card while it resides in the unit.
dhn, thanks. A few final questions (sorry, I'm kinda computer inept and want to get this right). Earlier, you stated to format the SD card as FAT32. However, when I right-click on the E: drive in My Computer and select Properties, the General tab reads "File system: FAT".

So, should I format it as FAT, or FAT32? Do I risk ruining the SD card if I format it improperly? Thanks again. (And geez, I hope this fixes the Emulator problem. LOL)

Oh, and lastly, I connected the GO to my computer by starting HOME. I then closed TomTom HOME before doing the copying/pasting and will keep HOME closed during the formatting--I've been assuming that's the proper way to do this (I figured as long as the drive showed up in My Computer, the computer still "thought" the GO was connected).
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I assume the formatting was successful; but the Emulator is still just as slow now as it was before. I'll just live with it until TomTom devises a "fix." Sluggish Emulator behavior by itself isn't a big reason to dismiss the unit; but it sure is an annoyance.

For your info, my SD card's used space is 874 MB and free space 1.04 MB. I don't guess the slow Emulator can be blamed on a too-full SD card. I doubt there are problems with the USB cables or connections. It did take an awfully long time to restore the data onto the SD card, though--about 2 hours, I think it was. Anyway, thanks for trying to help, dhn. I'll wait for TomTom to look at the Emulator issue and develop a "fix."

As for the map issue, I created a route using "Prepare route A > B", and it works as a temporary patch until my local roads get re-created. (I do wish the MapShare folks would get on the ball, though. I showed them a satellite picture of my apartment complex along with the suggested road corrections, which seems like an fairly easy data entry job.

Thanks again for your effort. :)
my SD card's used space is 874 MB and free space 1.04 MB.

Is your free space 1.04 GB? If 1.04 MB, then I'd be concerned that your SD card may be going bad. If so, try a new SD card, as it may fix your speed issue.

875mb is not a normal SD card size. That usually means the SD shrunk because the rest of the space started wearing out, and the whole SD may start failing soon.
SD card properties

I can't tell if there's anything wrong with the SD card or not. All tests indicated the card is fine. It's a 2GB Sandisk card which was bought brand new, formatted FAT32, and has good data loaded on it from the GO and from HOME (as far as I can tell). I've attached a JPG image of the card's properties which you can look at.

I know many SD cards that say "2GB" don't necessarily hold a full 2GB's worth of data. I'm led to believe the "xGB" designation is just an approximation of capacity. (Maybe they wouldn't sell too many 1.91GB cards? I dunno. :rolleyes:)

Anyhow, based on some advice from this forum, I first backed up the GO, then saved all data from the card onto my computer's desktop, re-formatted the card, finally uploaded the saved data back onto the card. I then ran a disk check and found no errors, so I'm thinking the SD card must be okay.


  • SD card properties.jpg
    SD card properties.jpg
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