TomTom for iPhone won't talk to me!

Nov 8, 2010
I've been happily using the app for nearly a year - currently 1.5 on an iPhone 4 OS 4.1.

A couple of days ago (at a crucial time) it just stopped talking. Every time I 'navigate to' the route comes up with the sound disabled icon. I go to enable sound and sometimes it lets me enable it, most of the time it doesn't. Audio is working fine when playing music etc, but I've been through every setting I can think of and can't figure out why it's defaulting to no sound.

I'm stuck in the TomTom support loop - the best they say is reinstall and if that doesn't work then talk to Apple. I have reinstalled from ITunes and downloaded afresh but same problem.

Has anyone had this problem, or does anyone have any suggestions. I'm hoping it's something really daft that I'm missing but I'm at my wits' end.

I had the same problem. Could not activate audio at all. The funny thing is that when playing any song, I could activate the sound. If I paused, back to mute again. No sounds. Even reinstalling didn't solve.
However, one thing finally seemed to reolve it. Got to Menu -> Settings -> Audio and turned on both options (not sure if those are the menu options for English, since mine is in Portuguese). After that, even unchecking those options didn't bring the problem back so far (I hadn't enough time to test it).
Try it and let me know if that worked for you.
Had the same issue and resolved it.

At the bottom of the the screen when the application is displaying the map, you will see an information bar. The one on the left gives information like which way to turn next and how far you have to go before the turn. Tap the bar on left. The bar will turn into a volume slider control. You will see that the volume is set all the way to silent. Move the slider to raise the volume, and voila, the voice is back.

In my opinion, this is poor usability design on the part of TomTom. This feature is not obvious, and not accessible from the Settings menu. It would be nice if they improved that.
My Tomtom iPhone 4S had no sound

Thanks for this help! Brilliant. It's been driving me nuts.
It certainly is rather random, and should be more accessible and obvious.

Had the same issue and resolved it.

At the bottom of the the screen when the application is displaying the map, you will see an information bar. The one on the left gives information like which way to turn next and how far you have to go before the turn. Tap the bar on left. The bar will turn into a volume slider control. You will see that the volume is set all the way to silent. Move the slider to raise the volume, and voila, the voice is back.

In my opinion, this is poor usability design on the part of TomTom. This feature is not obvious, and not accessible from the Settings menu. It would be nice if they improved that.
When I connect my iPhone 4S to my car, (through the factory iPhone connector) and have the radio set to AM radio (possibly FM and CD, not sure as in the last four years I have never used my CD player) the spoken directions are not heard. The accept ion to that is if I have on my BlueAnt Q2 headset.

Do you have your iPhone connected you car when you lose your spoken commands? (in case it helps, my car is a Scion, which is not available in most countries, so just think of it as a Toyota)
Just found another solution

On a different forum it says to click the cog when in navigation mode then there is a voice disable / enable button next to the music button! I have voice back at last - been with out for 2 weeks!!!

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