Tom Tom xxl recalculating

Mar 13, 2010
My Tom Tom xxl europe, after putting in a route it just keeps recalculating over and over again, sometimes switching the unit off then back on sorts it but some times it wont stop doing it even after switching on and off and i cant use it then. Its only been doing this since i got the 850 map.


So you haven't updated to the 855 map?

Anyway, in Home, change Mapshare preferences to NOT have any mapshares at all and see if the rebooting stops.
Thank you for the reply, i have just updated to the 850 map because my Tom Tom could not find over 60% of my routes so Tom Tom gave me a free update to the 850 map (regioned) saying it would be better but its not, the unit is not rebooting but recalculating all the time, ie i dont loose the route on screen i just get the recalculating across the bottom of the screen, as soon as it finishes it starts again.


I also see such behavior time-to-time, especially when finding the alternate route. As an example, switching from Fastest to Shortest a few times for the same route/itinerary (as well as while entering the waypoints), practically guarantees TT to start recalculating route endlessly until route is deleted, but sometimes 'hard' reboot is required to stop that. Anyone has anything similar and any idea how to fix that? Txs.
I also see such behavior time-to-time, especially when finding the alternate route. As an example, switching from Fastest to Shortest a few times for the same route/itinerary (as well as while entering the waypoints), practically guarantees TT to start recalculating route endlessly until route is deleted, but sometimes 'hard' reboot is required to stop that. Anyone has anything similar and any idea how to fix that? Txs.
I've had a recently similar problem you had. I think it's caused by too many items generated when calculating a long route with numerous turns, etc. and you've [we've] reached the capacity of the device's memory. I've shortened my route to stages when this happened and it went away.

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