tom tom xxl 550 - Low bridge heights

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An excellent question for which I have no answer :confused:

I'm aware of the poi set and do understand that truckers and motorhome drivers might find the information of use.

I also know that you can't Avoid part of route-->Low bridge poi.

There is a truck division for TomTom (now called tomtom/business) that has special maps and models for oversized vehicles to utilize but I think it's only available in the UK.

Two of our mods are UK based and perhaps they'll see this thread and offer more information.
Hi... Which exact "Low Bridges" POI set are you referring to? Is it one that came with the TomTom from new, or one you've added from a third-party site?

I ask because "normal" retail TomToms in my country (the UK) don't usually come with a low bridges POI category.

However, you can get good add-on POIs from places such as, and those come as a SET of around 25 POI files for the various different height figures (eg 6',6'3",6'6" all the way up to 16'6".

You do have to remember though, that a normal TomTom can WARN you about a low bridge as you approach it, but they cannot create routes that avoid certain POI types.

As dhn said above, you can get specialist TomTom shardware and software that DOES have both low bridge POIs AND the ability to create routes to avoid them, but it's not cheap!

See Products from TomTom Business Solutions for more details.
I suppose if you have the locations you could effectively block the road at that point using map share. That would be a lot of work though!
Just please don't "Share" them!
Bridge Height

This POI was on my Tom Tom when I bought it. I really don't care if it reroutes me so long as I can get a warning in a timely manner to avoid contact. I may have time to turn around and may not but I'm just hoping to avoid an accident,
OK... so assuming you bought the TomTom new, it must be an "official" TomTom Low Bridges POI.

You could confirm that for us by browsing the contents of your map folder with Windows Explorer and checking there ISN'T a separate file called "LowBridges.ov2" (or whatever name your POI has on-screen).

And I'm guessing it's just one category, not a whole set, so we're back to your original question!

As you say, what use is it if it doesn't tell you "how low is low"?! :rolleyes:

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