Tom Tom Start not accepting postcodes.

Aug 30, 2015
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Hi All, we have a Tom|Tom start. it has stopped accepting new post codes. I have tried updating / download of new software, and also pressed the reset button, the device can find its location but it is not accepting any loading of postcodes.

Can anyone offer any advice on what to do, I am sure that if we take it back to Halfords they will simply have no idea.

Any advice please

Thanks Will
Ah, OK. That is one of the older version Start units, 2GB memory. They keep 'reusing' that name, so we have to be sure since they are all quite different.

Would it be correct to assume that this occurred immediately after a Home update?

Does your unit presently contain files called Great_BritainPostal.postal and Great_Britain.ver?
Hi, the prolem occured before updating software, I thought updating would solve the problem

but re the second part of your question, Yes I have found the ,postal and ,ver files you mentioned.

R\egards Wll
Just to add when you click on the 'find route' button it takes me to the Navigate to ..... screen, i can highlight any of the options such as recent destinations, points of interest or address but at that point the screen freezes or goes no further, the only way our of the screen is to press cancel and it appears that the system reboots itself.
Hopefully upi can offer some assistance.
I was thinking more along the lines of a map update (that's where/when the post codes are also typically updated). Once in a great while, the post code file bombs.

However, the description you are providing above doesn't sound like a post-code problem. NONE of the options for navigation destinations seem to be working for you, much less post codes.

At what point in the past did you last perform a manual backup or one accomplished using Home? One hopes you have a backup that predates this issue by just a little bit.
I do not think a back up has been completed, the device belongs to my elderly mother now, it was my fathers, neither of them would have any idea about back ups, so unfortuntely no back up done.
Let's start with a 'pin reset', though I understand the specific Start model you have might not have an obvious reset button. I refer to a small button somewhere on the unit dedicated to 'hard' resets.
HI have done a 'pin reset' by manually holding down the reset button for a least 20 seconds, turned the device back on and no luck, still cannot enter address or postcode.

What can we try next. please

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