The owner of this site needs to do the right thing and shutdown the SPAM

:D :D Get on it already. lol Just kidding. But I bet it would get the ball rolling and im not gonna be the one to do it. :)

Agreed, 100%. It would trigger action, but such an act is subject to certain criminal charges of breaking and entering.

There is an alternative -- notify them of the spam at the same time moderators are notified. That way they would see the size of the problem.
It's too bad that the real reason this site has such a spam problem is that it looks like the Admins just don't care. Until that changes we either boycott the site or live with all the spam. I don't think anything else will work. It's sad, just so sad:(
I keep getting email after email from a few threads I am subscribed to with nothing but posts filled with spam. Why they just changed the forum software and think that's going to fix it is beyond me. One simple little mod is all that is needed here and it will stop it dead in its tracks. But hey, what do I know, I only run a hand full of forums for people including 3 of my own.


Fix it right already. :D

P.S. I see this is vb 3.8.1 so goto and under vb 3.8.x addons look for a thing called NoSpam! It will kill it all and give the mods a break for once.
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Appreciate your input and concern. Perhaps you'd like to send a pm to robbyyy, the admin with the information you have and he needs.

You are right. As mods, we WOULD appreciate better spam filtering.

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