
Good idea John! I'm out of the office in an hour. Can't wait! I plan to have a beer or four. Big E (east coast thing) starts this weekend, the girlfriend and I are heading there tomorrow.

Anyone else got exciting plans?
I'm heading over to Wilkes-barre, PA to watch my cousin get married. Plans are to drive there in the AM for a 1:00 wedding, but TomTom is telling me 5.5 hours. I might talk the wife into heading out tonight, finding a cheap hotel then finishing in the am. Not looking forward to a 6:30am departure for a 1:00 wedding!!!
Maybe visit one of my friends tomorrow and hang out a bit, but I'm pretty beat up by traning for my new job, I had to get up @ 05:00 in the morning and do like a 150-200 miles with public transport.
But I passed my last exam today, so I'm happy :)
Now for the real thing and then my company car and it's off on my own.
I got a pool party tomorrow with a bunch of old friends, probably gonna get plastered, but then again, I get to use my TT cause its sorta a house warming pool lots of beer party.. yippie!!
The numbers of b-day parties that you get to attend equates to how popular a person might be hehe.. anyone ever thought about that hehehe????
The numbers of b-day parties that you get to attend equates to how popular a person might be hehe.. anyone ever thought about that hehehe????

That could be, it could also be that the one who is giving it wants a present that is like at least a 100 $ ;)
I think it should be just to have a good time ;)
gee, I get to spend saturday waiting for the phone company to correct my dsl problem. wow!! what fun for me.

UPDATE: After telephone company was a no show I called only to find out that they do not do those repairs on Saturday. Gee it was a mistake. Of course a phone call on Friday when they realized it would have been nice but I did get to wash the car, the dog, and the driveway.
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