TELEATLAS... Asleep at the Switch???

Jun 21, 2009
Over the last couple of years I have submitted about 15 map corrections to Tele Atlas (at Not ONE of these submitted corrections has been completed. I have submissions that are almost two years old that are still marked as "being worked on".
Tele Atlas (and its owner TomTom) you have failed. These were obvious errors such as streets that do not exist, missing rotaries etc.
Why should I waste my time submitting these errors if you are not going to act on them. Don't tell me that it takes two years to verify a street that doesn't exist.
I just downloaded the new TomTom winter map and, lo and behold, all of those errors are still there.
I remember dealing with a different map company and their web site correction page allowed the submitter to include photos of the problem. While a photo doesn't always verify the problem, in many cases it can.
If you are experiencing the same frustration, please call TeleAtlas in Lebanon, NH at 603-643-0330 and let them know how you feel.
I've done the same, many times, same result. Pretty pathetic, really.

That said, at least my Alberta maps are reasonably accurate now, for the longest time the TT was good for paper-weght purposes only in this province, but now my coverage is better than my wifes Garmin, although to be fair I have not updated it to the current map yet.

On the other hand, I reported a couple of errors to google maps, two months later I get an email from them saying the corrections had been made, and they were right. Get with it, TeleAtlas!
I reported a couple of errors to google maps, two months later I get an email from them saying the corrections had been made, and they were right. Get with it, TeleAtlas!

I've done the same, but not requested the email reply. It only took a few weeks for my corrections to be done though??? (I live in a new development that showed the roads but not the road names-- I even put in my address as a point of reference.)
I've been submitting the same corrections with every map update for two years. None of them have appeared in any map updates. TomTom has (had?) a great resource for map updates: local knowledge - better than any aerial photo or public records could ever be. At this point the only reason I continue to make corrections is for my own benefit in my local copy of the map. I don't even bother submitting corrections that won't affect my own map immediately. I believe TomTom's failure to act on user-provided map updates is resulting in increasing apathy among users, which may have already gone far enough that this once great resource is a mere shadow of what it once was. Too bad for TomTom, and the users.
I've submitted all my updates each quarter to Tomtom, and found that about 10% get corrected each quarter.

However, from map 840-855 none of my updates made it in. In fact all I saw in the new maps in my area was lane guidance improvements (which were substantial). However, map 860 again shows about 10% improvement so it seems like they are paying attention to road updates again in my area.

My guess is that Tomtom laid off too many people in 2009 in their failed attempt to prevent defaulting/diluting shareholders due to their debt, and we're just starting to see the results of all their 2010 re-hiring.
I've submitted all my updates each quarter to Tomtom, and found that about 10% get corrected each quarter.

However, from map 840-855 none of my updates made it in. In fact all I saw in the new maps in my area was lane guidance improvements (which were substantial). However, map 860 again shows about 10% improvement so it seems like they are paying attention to road updates again in my area.

My guess is that Tomtom laid off too many people in 2009 in their failed attempt to prevent defaulting/diluting shareholders due to their debt, and we're just starting to see the results of all their 2010 re-hiring.

To me this indicates their priorities are not what (I think) they should be. IMO, having road names, locations and turn restrictions accurately reflecting the real world are a necessity for any navigation device; things like lane guidance, while extremely helpful at times, are not a necessity.
Michael, I do know that TomTom has separate teams dealing with map data. Some look at the accuracy of the roads information while others look at the accuracy, inclusion of ALG. Having some specialize in the latter area does not detract from those dealing with the actual road information.

And, considering that we in Canada essentially never had any ALG data prior to map 845 (think they were initially imbedded in USA road data in 815), I think having that info is pretty vital in showing the driver HOW properly to get from point A to point B.

Mind you, if point B isn't on the map in the first place .... :rolleyes:

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