Speed limits

Sep 8, 2011
I just bought my first GPS and the GPS doesn't show the speed limit of many of my local highways around Ottawa. My question is, if the GPS doesn't have the speed liits of the roads loaded, how can it calculate the fastest route? Although most city streets are 50km, many rural roads vary between 60 and 90 km. I saw the feature to change change or add the speed limit but ther eis no way to do it while driving and Who can remember th elimits on the different roads by the time you get where you're going?!
Every road section in the maps has a "time to travel" time associated with it, and it's those which are used to work out the journey duration time.
The speed limit is a completely different piece of data (and it's sometimes missing, as you've seen).

One way to remember the speed limit changes is to quickly add a couple of favourites where you see the wrong speed displayed, and use those to sort it out later.
If you need more accurate positions when you get home, you can often use Streetview to help.
You have to be keen to report speed limit changes!

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