Software testers2

Jan 17, 2013
United States
TomTom Model(s)
XL 350 - 2GB TTS
I have written a Backup/Restore program for TomTom devices 9.x and earlier Features:
A Disk Check is preform on the TomToms Flash memory before a backup or restore.
A MD5 hash check is done on all copied files and compared to original ensuring a good copy.
All files and directories maintain their starting attributes.
Backup management which shows rather a backup is valid, backup comments,
number days old, and ability to rename or delete. Extracts config info into comments
(need to verify which units this works on) Supports multiple GPS devices by naming convention.
Number of backups limited only to Computers hard disk space.
It can be installed on hard disk (normal install) or on a usb flash drive as a portable installation.
Its Free.
Runs on win xp - win 7 - need feedback about win 8
I am looking for people to beta test this program
If you download it PLEASE Read help on First run before doing a backup
(yes I read the instructions only in case of emergency too) but in this case read them first.
Download at DropBox address below its a 2.67mb download
dastorey, I've run the backup part of the program and it performed as expected on my XL. One recommendation would be to tweak some spelling and sentence structure to make it more "professional."

Perhaps it's not possible because I think you have it perform a root chkdsk every time as its first step, but would it be possible to allow only backing up files or folders of my choosing?
Thanks for the feedback.
What Version of windows are you running?
I started looking at my spelling and have only found 40 misspelled words so far
what do you expect from a guy that only completed 3 yrs of college. LOL
You would not have to perform the chkdsk every time however you would then have
people saying the program messed up their device when the flash memory was bad or going bad.
We will get a new build up tomorrow.
After we have beta tested and think we are solid we can look at partial backups.
Thanks again
A new build is available TomTomBackUp1.0.0.1
Corrected an error condition caused when an operation was attempted in the
Manage backups window and it was empty.
Changed the virtualization Packaging of the program that may have
Caused problems with the help file.
Corrected many spelling errors – If you see more let me know
Changed how the TomTomBackUp.ini file is saved to be in line with Microsoft’s
Scheme of where program data is stored.
This last item will cause those who installed the first version to get a message that says Cannot find (path) Possible cause folder was renamed or removed

Select Set New Path and reset the Default backup directory
New Version

TomTomBackUp Build has been uploaded
Changes are:
When compiling the help files “Save user defined position after first use” is enabled
The out of the box size has been set to 421 X 315. If you already have an earlier version
Installed it will most likely open as you closed it last.
A “Remove TomTomBackups” has been added to the start menu.
I have just read the latest Microsoft recommendation they are saying that
C:\Users\AccountName\AppData\Roaming\Storey Technologies\TomTomBackUp is the
Preferred location for application data. That has been changed in the build
Under Bkup/Rst Ops a “Set Root backup path” option has been added This allows multiple backup path’s. The user can switch between them.

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