Sage's navcore SE post

I tried this SE Navcore on a SD card and I didn't like it too much.

The extra bells and whistles for commands are a little annoying because I do notice a lag.
The icons are nice but I do lack my mp3 line out. Also it doesn't automatically change from day to night.

I went back to my old firmware. :)
I pulled off some more of Sage's SE posts and send him a friendly PM.

He's a good guy, I don't want to piss him off. I just think he's confusing 8.4 with 8.4 SE.
He knows what he has. I told him days ago. I'm just afraid that, in his enthusiasm, he's blurred the difference between legit and hacked when it comes time to 'promote' what he has got on his unit.

You're correct in doing what you did .... even if gator got caught in the purge! :)
Good that you guys dumped his last "promotion". As one of the newest guys here I hate to step on toes or irritate Sage, who been around awhile and is otherwise a pretty helpful member. Yes, he knows exactly how he got it and where it came from. I would think he knows better than to encourage others to look for SE for other hacking exercises.
Gator, seriously, you well know that sometimes you do what you gotta do.

For all 'new' guys here: please don't be reluctant to delete threads, messages, ban spammers, whatever when you see fit. As SuperModerators, we all have the same powers as such and responsibilities. We're all equal in that regard.

Personally, I can't come remotely close to the knowledge you other guys have in various areas, so I try to pull my weight in the board monitoring, as best as I can.

Don't worry about stepping on toes. You're here because you can make the hard decisions when they are needed.
I agree, in the past I have always sent a friendly PM to the member. Sometimes they are not aware and apologize immediately.

The only bans I've done were on spammers ;}

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