Safeguard Your Electronic Equipment

Hey Mike, these are the kind of sites I'm looking for. I always like to be proactive in proecting my portable devices.

I had to edit your post as the url tag doesn't like the bold tags within it.
Hey DF no problemo! ;) Glad you can use the info...while I'm not too active here :( I try to offer whatever info I can find to help my fellow TT owners/users! :D

With what I've heard/learned about the other brands of GPSr's I think I'll stick with TomTom! :)

Are these sites really helpful? I remember someone mentioning this but wasn't sure if this was legit.
Anyone have experience with this kind of thing?
In answer to your question DF no I have not! I just learned about them myself after watching a report on WNBC TV titled - TO CATCH AN I-JACKER. It was about I-Pod theft and there subsequent recovery or lack of. You should be able to find a transcript of the report on their web site.

What was conveyed was that while the technology is in place to ID the owner/user of a registered I-POD, the manufacturer wasn't thrilled with the idea of helping to find or return lost/stolen units to the rightful owners. This fact has since been addressed by the manufacturer and is being worked on.

The first site sprang up because the guy was PO'd that no one was willing to help him get his gear back. While the show initially dealt with I-Pods, it did provide the addresses listed for the registering of other 'electronic devices'.


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