Roll Back to earlier Software Version

Sep 26, 2010
TomTom Model(s)
GO 730 x 3
I have a Go 730 which I have been using for about 2 years now. It was fine until I updated around version 8.50 and then I had ongoing problems with the mp3 player stalling etc. After weeks of dealing with TomTom support I basically reset everything , reformatted all drives etc. but to no avail. Was finally told TomTom don?t support more than 50 files in the player (even with 50 it still had problems). In exasperation I rolled the version back to 8.30 and everything has worked fine ever since (both with FM pickup and direct connection to radio aux. in.
Now I have purchased another Go 730 for another car given that the newer TomTom versions have dropped the mp3 player. The problem is that it comes with version 8.351 and predictably has all the player problems.
I need to know how to roll the latest Go730 back to version 8.30 (I have all the program files from the older machine). Specifically I need to know what files to replace with the older versions. The new machine hasn?t seen TomTom Home so there are no owner details data on it yet but I don?t want to set up any problems by copying files across which are machine specific. Can someone advise me which files should be replaced just to achieve the system roll back
First of all, the mp3 player in the 730 DOES support way more than 50 files in the mp3 folder. A faulty file may be the cause of the issue, not the fact there are more than 50 files.

That said, if you delete all the loose files in the root of the unit, NO folders or their files and then go here, you can get 8.302.

Use WinRar to install on the unit, overwriting as necessary.

Make sure you do an Explorer, not Home, backup, prior to doing any of the above.
I have a 730T with 8.351 application and just upgraded to the latest map. I have an eight gig SD card with about 6gb of MP3 files and have never had a problem with the player. I also use the FM transmitter in one of my vehicles and a wired connection in my other car with no problems.

Just to let you know that 730 with 8.351 should work just fine.
Thanks dhn for the prompt reply. After two weeks I am still waiting for a response from TomTom Support in Oz. The 50 file limit was stated by TomTom in writing. Just goes to show you the quality (Lack of) support here.

Just to make sure I understand what you are saying. Do I delete all files except maps and mp3 (which I can put on an sd card) which means deleting the .bif and config files so I really have a totally blank root directory in memory.

In copying the 8.302 Navcore across I am not clear on the preference for WinRar over Win Explorer. I don't use WinRar much other than to unpack Winrar files. At the moment the PC I am on hasn't got WinRar on for me to check. Does it reformat first?)

It's interesting that others are not having this problem yet it's consistent for me on two machines. I had gone thru using Audacity to remake all my mp3's in the hope of getting rid of any corrupt files.

Yes, it really is strange. I have a 720 running 8.351 - turns it into a 730 for all intents and purposes - and have never been sandbagged by a 50 file limit. Mine is a wired connection.
Just to make sure I understand what you are saying. Do I delete all files except maps and mp3 (which I can put on an sd card) which means deleting the .bif and config files so I really have a totally blank root directory in memory.

In copying the 8.302 Navcore across I am not clear on the preference for WinRar over Win Explorer. I don't use WinRar much other than to unpack Winrar files. At the moment the PC I am on hasn't got WinRar on for me to check. Does it reformat first?)


No, there are other folders on the unit as well. Don't delete any of them, just the loose files (not in any folder) in the root of the unit.

WinRar will extract the files ihn the compressed folder for the application. Extract them to the unit, overwriting existing files if prompted.
I fail to see what the issue is with the mp3 player using 8,351 it certainly works fine on my units, I know this might sound strange but are you 100% sure all the music is in the mp3 format as the device will only recognise and use mp3 files, I have known others to have "issues" that transpired to be music in formats other than mp3.

A couple of natable issues that affect all mp3 players on the TomTom products:

1/ If you use a sample rate of 320KB/s then the music will play back slightly slower than it should do.

2/ There is a limit of numbers of tracks the device will make available to select for playback, this limit is well over one thousand tracks though, the fifty track limit isn't something I have ever heard of before.

Why use WinRar to unpack the cab file containing the Navcore to the device? Well Navcore updates contain lots of files that go in the root of the device in addition they contain plenty of other files that have to reside in certain folders or even sub folders. If you unpack the download using Windows it will make a right mess of where to put the files that should be in specific folders. Using WinRar simply gets all the files in to their correct locations - Mike
Hi Mike, Thanks for those comments. Yes, I agree that the 50 limit is a load of rubbish. I only mentioned it because it was given to me by TomTom Support here in Australia. When I gave them my view they got quite upset about me doubting their competence. The feedback from this Forum about the number of people running 8.351 successfully with large numbers of mp3's gives me some hope.

I am going back thru my music data to recompile all the mp3's and am going to gradually add them back to the player to check the running. I have also just realised that the SD card I have been using was the same one I had on the previous Go730 that was running faulty and it may have some faulty mp3 tags in there.

The odd thing is that with the "suspect ??" data the 8.351 player runs fine for days on end on the bench. It's only when in the car and tracking that it fails. I am not sure if perhaps some bad mp3 data is capable of corrupting some shared memory.

I think I will persevere tracking down possible suspect data for the time being. Thanks to all for your help so far

Note that 8.351 has a bug with bluetooth phones. One of the symptoms is the crashing of the FM transmitter and a crashing MP3 player. If you don't use the FM transmitter for navigation instructions, see here to downgrade to 8.302 to fix it.

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