rider 5 won't work with scala Team set.

Apr 15, 2014
TomTom Model(s)
Rider 5
I have rider 5 paired with my scala teamset. Sat nav works fine with just my scala but when my pillion has her scala on too satnav won't work. It stops talking and teamset just beeps a lot. If I turn satnav off teamset works fine again. Have reset factory settings on satnav.
Any ideas people?
I don't believe the Scala units are capable of connecting to two devices simultaneously.
It's just my scala that's paired with tomtom, the pillion's scala is paired to mine so we can chat.
Perhaps your Scala unit cannot bounce back and forth between the two connections. I would suspect that it will 'stick' with whatever connection occurs first. Is there anything in your Scala documentation that talks about being able to support two connections concurrently??? Understand that the Bluetooth connection doesn't just start and stop with audio content.
Think you may be onto something.
Seems daft that I can't talk to my pillion and use satnav at same time. I thought, Scala Teamset would 'override' pillion conversation and automatically stay connected with my tomtom rider 5.
Perhaps, I can talk to pillion or have tomtom rider 5 instructions, but not both at same time.......shame.

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