Reverse route

Well, depending upon what model you have, there may be a factor of IQ routing coming into play here such that a reversed route may not cover the same roads you travelled going outband.

That being said, and assuming two things: 1) you left from Home and 2) you did set a Home location, then simply Navigate to-->Home.
If you planned your route using itinerary planning, you could take it into Tyre, a free program that has a reverse route feature, then download it back to you TomTom.
How do I reverse my route ????
Generally you have a known location from which you started. In that case Navigate to: it and you should be OK.

If you happen to drive by a place and decide you want to go back there after completion of you current trip, you can click Add Favorite > My location and OK . You have now locked in that place as a Favorite.

I do agree, a Return last route option for Navigate to: would be a convenient feature.

If non of the above suits what you had in mind you will have to be more specific.
Also, it would be a good idea to put your TomTom model in your signature (top left of this page, click User CP).

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