RDS Traffic Question

Jan 14, 2010
I just replaced my GO630 with an XL350 TM. Finally got the chance to see the traffic function in action coming out of Toronto this afternoon. Unit identified a traffic jam and another route was suggested. My only issue is that the toll road (407) was selected even though I have ask selected in my routing preferences. It did not confirm if I wanted a toll road, and did not even indicate a toll road was on the route.
Has anyone else seen this behavior?
Yes, I've been bit by that problem as recent as some 11.XXX firmware on a GO 1535, in fact. Replans can (and sometimes do) ignore planning preferences regarding toll roads, HOV lanes, etc. The issue has been raised with TomTom.
Thanks for the reply. Hopefully they will address soon! I might try asking it to completely avoid and see how that works. This traffic jam is pretty predictable, so we will see!
Just wanted to update this. Selected avoid all toll roads, and it recalculated on traffic problems while still avoiding toll roads. It just doesn't do it when you select ask. Picked highway 5 instead of QEW coming out of Toronto.
I changed it from asking to aboiding toll roads. Seems like it forgets to ask when recalculating based on traffic conditions.

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