Question for people that have TT 2505, about looking through polarised sunglasses

Jun 6, 2007
Jacksonville, FL
TomTom Model(s)
I saw on an Amazon review that they said when looking through polarized sunglasses you will see blotchy areas on screen. Polarized sunglasses can impede your view of the GPS screen.

Can you confirm this on your TT 2505? Does it look clear or do you see the discoloration?

I have this same effect on my Palm Pre phone and I hate it. Makes it hard to see the screen when wearing polarized sunglasses.

My TT 920T does not have this effect and if the TT 2505 has it then I will not be getting one.
This is true with any LDC display device. Polarization is the key to making those displays work. Whether they play well with a particular pair of polarized sunglasses will depend upon the angle of polarization of each. There for a while, I though we were going to see some standards for the polarization angle of devices vs. glasses for in-vehicle use, but that never seemed to have happened.

The best you can do is take your particular pair of glasses and a particular device in a shop and see what happens. You'll quickly see how it works -- rotate the device (or your head) through 90 degrees and the screen will fade to black and return to more or less normal again. Your problem will be if it's black before you even start turning things, and only looks normal after you start rotating.

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