Purchases and Accounts

Feb 26, 2011
Seattle, WA (Where it RAINS all the time...)
TomTom Model(s)
Hi. I'm definitely not rich. But have a couple of good friends who also do not have a ton; but I appreciate them a lot.

They could use a GPS...

One has only a MAC computer; and is not technically savy.

The other is also definitely not tech savy; does not even have a credit card or bank account (of any type); and no (of course) high speed internet.

I set him up with 'nocharge' years ago. Which is a dial up - no charge - service which still exists here in Seattle. And he still uses it... Want to talk about SLOW....

Anyway - what with the current prices of the XXL540TM - I was somewhat considering purchasing two of these...

Couple of questions. The one - would not be able to update the maps what with his internet connection; and (the other) - I understand some issues exist with TT and MAC computers.

If I were to purchase two TT's; could I easily also have two different accounts set up on my computer - so that every once in a while - we could get the maps updated?? If I initially created two accounts on my computer - would it be hard or difficult to also have the SAME account on their computers? So that if they were at all so inclined - they could manage their device on their own? (novel idea that one!)

Plus, with the XXL540 being phased out; I somewhat wonder how much longer the 'lifetime' maps are going to exist on the 540 with TT. Because TT seems to want to be bringing this to the 'end of life' cycle....

That's about it. Course we also have the 550 question - since that has USB2 - but about nothing else going for it as far as I can see... except for not as quickly possibly being phased out and no longer having lifetime maps...

Appreciate any responses.

As long as you log into Home on computer 2 with the same email address as used on computer one, it should be no problem with the updates. Many people have Home on both a main computer and a notebook. Same thing.

My 720 has been out of production for years now but new maps are still available for it ........
Dhn - thanks much for the info.

And as I understand it - they don't have to be actual email addresses. Just in the proper format of an email...?

Other than that - would Mike (MAC) run into problems with his laptop MAC machine?


But from your initial reply - it seems very doable.
Emails don't have to be real, correct but if you have a subscription to a map service, let's say, then notification of a new map being available won't reach you with a phoney email address.

I'm going to leave any comments about use of TT software on a Mac to others that know better than I.
On the whole, Mac users with units on the "old" platform (e.g., 3 digit TT models) only run into problems when they are downloading updates and the process fails or isn't completed for some reason. It's not even a huge problem then, but some Mac users aren't aware of how to back out of the mess - mostly a matter of having to clear some things off the TT and trying again.

Mac users with the new (4 digit) models have had some other issues, and as I don't have one of these, I can't say for certain whether those problems have been cleaned up by recent releases of the MyTomTom application that accompanies the 4 digit models.
Disrupted Map Download

I own an XL 340 and recently purchased and paid for, an 18 month new map service. Everything went well until my internet connection failed during the map download. An error message was sent by Tom Tom saying that the download had failed. I now have acces to a more reliable internet connection and now want to download the maps I have paid for. Can anyone tell me how to reinitiate the download of the new maps. I do NOT want to pay for the maps a second time.
Would appreciate any help on this matter.
TPCanberra - Welcome to TT forums:wave:

You probably want to go to:
C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\My Documents \ TomTom\HOME\Downloads\complete\ map\

And see if you have a map located in that directory. Since your download was not successful - most likely not.

Just start your download again (using HOME) AFTER following these directions:


Then, after you have backed up your unit properly; AND successfully downloaded your map - follow these next instructions (if you want - or you can just let HOME do its thing)


And I assume you know about the Lifetime Map update subscription??

And your question might have been better posted here:
General TomTom Discussion - TomTomForums.com - TomTom, GPS Navigation Community
but I realize that the title of the post really fit your needs. And I probably should not have posted it at this location...

If this gets messed up (shouldn't) TT support will be able to help you... But here at TT forums (independent of TT) - Canderson, DHN, MVL, etc. - give really good help.

The previous above link: General TomTom Discussion - TomTomForums.com - TomTom, GPS Navigation Community has some really good info...

Hope this helps.


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