Purchased a 720 on eBay?

Jan 24, 2009
Elk Grove, CA
TomTom Model(s)
Ok, so now I am in a pickle. I received my 720 as a Birthday Gift, 4 days ago, and want to have TomTom honor their LPG since i am stuck with the v7.
After reading alot on here I see that they will want some sort of scan of the receipt for Proof of Purchase. thats fine, i can have my family member give me the eBay and Paypal copies, but I dont think that purchasing one from eBay will count, do you? I have read the specific seller page that she bought it from and it does NOT say he is an Auth Dealer. So does this mean I dont get my 30 day free map upgrade? If so, I wont say anything to my family member because it will make her feel terrible she bought me a gift that cant be current like it was advertised. Id like to know what you all think.
Thanks!! ;)

Ebay sellers are NOT authorized retailers and, as such, there may be GREAT difficulty in having TT honour the 30-day LMG. You may get lucky and have an understanding Customer Service rep but, TT is within its rights not to honour it.
Welcome to the forum. There may be an issue re the authorized seller but you can always call TT and plead your case. I have done so a couple of times with various issues and they can be gracious at times...then again at others not so...
I hope it works out. Maybe someone else has a thought.
Well I hope they feel nice tomorrow. I completly understand though if they say no. I will just live with the old map (doesnt have alot of streets around me) and someday buy a newer one.
I agree, be nice and plead your case. My first TT a 720 was purchased a year ago from an individual seller on eBay (received as a gift but did not want it!!!). It was brand new and sealed. I connected to Home, but was unable to obtain the LMG. I then emailed TT CS, and they just asked for a copy of my eBay/PP receipt. The latest maps were placed in my account that day.

Did you try Home to see if you can get the LMG. If yes, no need for the receipt. Although more likely, it wil not work, so be prepared to get a copy of th ereceipt.

Yes I have both copies of receipts in case they ask for them. I ran out of time today to call but will try again tomorrow. I already have a Support Ticket open with them, but you know how things like that are usually pushed aside for awhile.
Thanks for the comments and suggestions everyone!

They have responded and this is the short version of it:

To Recap, we require:-

- A Copy of your Proof of Purchase
- The TomTom Home system information
- A Screenshot of the Latest map Guarantee Screen detailing the information where it says you have the latest map installed. (Click on 'Tools -> Use Latest Map Guarantee')
- A Screenshot of the Map version you have downloaded
- A Screenshot of 'Show Contents of My Rider -> Click on Maps -> Click on More info' detailing the map version you have already on your device.

Once we have all this information back, we will be able to look into your query further.

The only thing holding me back is the Proof of Purchase, which is an Email from PayPal. I have submitted it to them in a Word Doc, and advised them that I can forward the email if they give me an address to send it to. I also advised that its clearly marked from PayPal that it was purchased on Jan. 16th 2009 and at 4:36pm, so there shouldnt be any question on WHEN. We will see.
You should follow-up on the phone - you generally get much better response that way. They can ask you questions, and you will probably only have to send the receipt copy after you cover everything elso on the phone.

Ya, I will wait untill Wednesday to see if she replies back again with an answer before I call. We have an all day Appt. tomorrow anyhow, so when I find out what the Online Help says, then I will make a decision to call or not. :)
Final Result to LMG dispute

Final Result:

I got another reply back from the Rep from the Online Support section. The typing got cut off on the right side of the page so I cant be certain what she said, but the jist of it was that since it was purchased on eBay, they can not verify if it was a "second hand unit" or a new unit. They tried to blame eBay for selling 2nd hand units. I replied back that I can take many JPG pictures of the unit, box, packaging, etc to prove its a new unit. Even the serial and model # state its a new unit. I was rather frustrated that it took her 4 days and many copies of Screen Shots and Word Docs of info she had requested, just for her to blame it on eBay and say that i have to purchase a Map and to link me to the Store. So i decided to call Support. I spoke with a very nice woman (will leave names out) and told her breifly why I am calling. I said I had an Online Support Ticket open and the woman handling it wasnt very clear as to why the Latest map Guarantee did not apply to my new purchase. She pulled the ticket up and first thing out of her mouth was... (pause) hmm, looks like you've been dealing with someone out of the UK..?... I said i guess so, I wasnt aware. She then said, "my gosh you have sent us every piece of Proof and documentation I have ever seen asked for." I laughed and said thats what the woman requested from me. She asked if i can stay on hold for 4-5 mins, and of course I said Yes. She comes back and says that since I have been trying to resolve this for days online and have submitted my case to the UK rep that she will immediately load the new map to my account. She even guided me to the webpage for removing and installing new maps, etc. She thanked me for my patience and said good bye. I fired up HOME and there is the new 8.15 map. Downloading now.
Thanks for the suggestions all. Hope this along with the numerous other threads concerning the LMG help someone in the future.

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