Problems with TomTom Home and Mac OSX Snow Leopard

Apr 24, 2010
I am having a problem with TTH on a Mac running OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3

Version =
Language = en-GB
* Computer info:

Operating system: Mac OS X 10.6.3 Intel

* HOME info:

DLL Version:
MapShare DLL Version:
Language: en-GB

I complete destroyed my TT G720T with thsi and as I had laid out a lot of money on maps I went ahead and boughta Go 550 Live. thinking I could use these maps on there but alas I have been proven wrong. (this is for another post.

On following the instructions of TT Help desk I now am using a Micro SD card now when I try to eject the Device I start to get loads and loads of errors. Before uing the SD card no issues.

When I had this problem before TT Help desk did admit there is a problem with TTH and Mac OS x Snow Leopard. See snippet from Help desk.

Dear X,

Thank you for contacting TomTom Customer Care
The reference number for your query is 091029-011377.

Following investigation by our 2nd line technical department, there is currently an issue with MAC and the the latest version of the operating system (10.6 Snow Leopard) + HOME 2.7 + a TomTom device with both internal and SD memory. This has been reported to the software developers team.

Please can you remove the SD card and try to update the device, does this make any difference? Should you wish to download updates and want to have some of the updates on the SD card then it is possible to copy them manually to the SD card - to do this please make sure there is enough space on the internal memory , otherwise you will get a message that you have to use an additional card.

I apologise for any inconvenience caused.

With Kind Regards


The TomTom Customer Care Team

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Alternatively, you can call us on one of the numbers below:
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Our contact details are on TomTom, portable GPS car navigation systems - Support home - Select your product

Response (Sophia D. (UK))

Has any one else have this issue?

Sorry I can't remember the specifics but a year ago I purchased a $250 model from Sam's club and used it around town to verify it worked ok. I then went home and hooked it to my Mac, Leopard I believe, and tried TT Home. It trashed the device, I worked w/ TT helpdesk reformatting the device and trying to get it to work but it was never right. I took it back and got a Garmin.
Problems with TTH and Mac

Avux09, Thanks for this I cannot believe that TomTom have not yet fixed the issue when they are actually aware of it. It shows you what kind of company they actually are!:mad: :confused:

I have had to take out the SD Card and luck for me I have backups of 1 the Go550 and my laptop. so I have restored it back a few days.

Are the more Mac users out there using TomTom?

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I have a 740 live and a Mac 13"pro. so far no real problems with home. I have also done one map update no real problems. The first time I used it after the map update, I could not shut the unit off, the screen went black, and every time I tried to turen it on all I got was voice no image. Since I was new to the 740 I looked for the reset, alias no reset hole to do the paperclip. After a quick call to TT I was told to hold down the power button for 20 sec. and it did a reset, now no problems. All including TT Home on the mac 10.6.3 running fine.
I have a Mac running Leopard and a TT XL330S and have had it out over 2 years now and haven't had any problems at all.
I had purchased a 340s Live and am using 10.6.3 Snow Leopard and during a map update attempt and call with tech support fried my tomtom. They sent me another and again no space for a map. I worked with the customer rep and we decided to run it on XP before frying another unit. It looks as if it is working ok but I will not have the XP machine for long.

I am angry that this does not work on a mac and would have bought another brand had I known. They had me escalate some logs to their dev team but it looks as if they have known about these issues for a while now.

very dissatisfied with the product at this point.
I've got a tomtom one 3rd edition. I updated it on my mac. When I disconnected and turned it on I was told there were no maps as there was not enough free space. After a number of frustrating emails with tomtom service department I was finally able to load the maps after reformatting my tomtom and starting from scratch.

However, when I turned the device on I just got a flashing white cross on a red circular background in the right hand lower corner. They've now told me how to get round this by changing the partition using Disk Utility from GUID to Mobile Master (a 6-step process). My tomtom now boots up properly and has the maps on it - but the postcode (zipcode) facility isn't working.

They've now told me how to download the postcode file by downloading a zip file and copy + paste it onto my desktop tomtom icon. Unfortunately, this hasn't worked so I'm waiting for their next reply.

IMPORTANT FOR MAC USERS: At one point my screen froze. Whenever I clicked on a dock icon, I'd get an error window on the desktop which I couldn't remove. I ended up with a lot of similar icons as I tried different things.
I then tried to Force Quit: the screen went blank and then came back with all the frozen windows still there. I tried to shut down - same thing. In the end I did the 'high tech' solution and turned off my Mac. When I turned it back on everything was still frozen just as it was when I turned off the power.

Finally, I notiiced when I clicked the Apple icon (top LH corner) there was a menu item 'Locations'
This had:

BtInternet Hub ( usually ticked)

The HOME was ticked. When I reset the tick onto my internet hub everything went back to normal.

Clearly, TOMTOM have got problems with compatibility with Macs which really needs sorting out. I'm not computer savvy and it was only by chance that I found the solution to the freezing problem in 'Location'

Please PASS THIS INFO ON to other mac users who have tomtoms

I do have to say, though, that tomtom Service have responded to each of my queries by the following day so, in this respect, have been very good. However, it's been going on for well over a week now and I'm getting tired and frustrated with it all. :( :(
OK I'd like to add my name to the list of Lion users who can no longer load map updates onto my TomTom when a SD card is loaded (It claims I have disconnected after I select the SD card). This is a major pain as the reason I have an SD card is there is not enough room in the internal memory.

Please fix this asap

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