Problem with custom and default menus - switching

Nov 13, 2007
Toledo, OH
TomTom Model(s)
One 3rd Edition
Just want to start by saying I found the various 'Menu customizing' threads in here really useful. Thanks everyone! :)

Now, I have a weird problem when I switch between my custom menu and the default TT menu ....maybe someone has experienced this as well. :confused:

I have a TT1 V.3 and I add a custom menu with a button on both the default and the custom menus to change back and forth, if I so desired. I found that there was a need to do this from time to time. Now I found that I have to goto the default menu because my custom menu doesn't have the 'Set safety preferences' on it. Here's the problem:

I don't care for the annoying warning that is set to go off everytime you drive above the speed limit set on certain roads/freeways by TomTom. So, after finding out on here that I could turn this setting off in the 'Set Safety preferences', I went ahead and switched back to default menu and turned this setting off. Then I switched back to the custom menu I use and I figured that was it. I was wrong. I still get the warning for some weird reason and when I switched menus, the warning was back on again in 'Safety preferences'! :mad: So, my question now is two-fold:

1) Does it the 'Warn when driving above speed limit' get reset whenever I switch menus or something?

2) Is it possible to add the 'Set safety preferences' icon to my custom menu? I tried to do this in the 'TomTom Menu Designer' by Greg Duncan, but I can't find the icon for it in the list and I don't know how to get it from the default menu into my custom one.

Would be very grateful for anyone's help on this. Thanks! :)


You cant add some of the new functions that are in nav core 7 to custom menus at the moment as TT have hard wired these into the program and havent released the codes for them yet. So there is now way to change the safety prefreences in a custom menu only the tt one..

Beginning with NavCore 7, TomTom dropped support for their Software Development Kit (SDK). :mad:

In English, this means that all Nav7 (& later) features are no longer accessible to us. So options like, Help Me, Safety Prefs, Map Corrections, & the Quick Menu can't be added to custom menus. An application called, "MenuTT," provides a somewhat clunky (reboots your device each time) but much needed method to switch back & forth between the default & custom menus.

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Thanks for all your replies, especially the last one. This explains a lot to me.

Like I said originally, I can switch menus, but it isn't saving the settings I changed in 'Set safety preferences". I'll try your idea Richardcoop2!
Thanks for all your replies, especially the last one. This explains a lot to me.

Like I said originally, I can switch menus, but it isn't saving the settings I changed in 'Set safety preferences". I'll try your idea Richardcoop2!
I was having a similar problem with my 720's Quick Menu. I'd set it using the Default Menu, but after switching with MenuTT, most of my chosen options would be missing.

So...change setting, turn unit off, turn back on, switch menu. Have to experiment with this...
I thought I would post in this thread to let you all know that the idea RichardCoop2 suggested worked for me. I changed the menu to the default, turned off the over speed limit warning. Turned off the unit, turn it back on and switched back to my custom menu. Now I no longer get the annoying 'dong dong dong'! :) Thanks!!!

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