pro 5250 truck bit of a review.

Jan 27, 2015
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
pro 7100. one xl. pro 5250 truck
hi all thought id give a quick review of the pro 5250. ok its day 2 of new device and cant really say im impressed. maps seem OK where i have been so far but if your multi dropping and remove the device at each stop it seems to take an age to start up again. so got round this by putting in my next destination before putting the device out of site. you can put the device into a sleep mode but i think keep doing that will kill the battery life. tried 3 times to use voice control twice it has told me its not available in my language setting.(English). charger has changed so just wondering how much a spare one will be. but the biggest disappointment is they have taken away the written instructions mode so if you want to see where the nav is going to take you. you have to sit there and watch the route video. so if there is a certain road you have to take for a destination it becomes a matter of having to enter that exact road as a way point or hoping your lucky underpants are working today. personally id rather they removed the video and kept the written. as all it needed was a quick scroll through. oh and it says bluetooth on the box but it doesn't have it. so add the cost of a hands free in with it. overall so far id give it 6 out of 10. but this is just my opinion. you might like it.
No reason that one quick press of the button should bother battery life. It will go for days in 'sleep' (or what I call 'suspend') mode. Seems to come up quickly that way.
Voice control not in English? Should work. What spoken voice do you have selected? Oddly,. it makes a difference. IIRC, you want Serena selected there. Should behave. We see lots of UK users with VC running.
I'd swear that they introduced direction lists a short while back in an update for these units. Go to Current Route, and it should be there under "Show Instructions" if you swipe the page to the right once.
The Bluetooth is for traffic, not for handsfree. It uses your phone as a tethered data gathering device by way of the Bluetooth PAN profile.

Guess we should ask -- what firmware version are you running on this unit??? Go to menu, swipe clear to the right, and hit the "?". Select "About" and advise of your "Application version". It sounds as though you may not have updated this unit yet.
The consumer units tend to get software first. I suspect the 5250 as a PRO device is a version or two behind and may not yet have the text instructions, give it a couple months.
Following up on this device updated to Europe 9.45 yesterday and the routes it gives are still shocking. If I were to follow these routes it would put about an extra 2 hours on my day. Have been in contact with tomtom telematics about this and got nowhere. Here's an example of the route it gave me yesterday. I'm in Orpington just off j4 m25 and want to get back to Southampton now both fastest and shortest route on accident free motorways are back on m25 then m3 but this device wants to take me onto the a232 Croydon road. So I avoid this and go back to m25 then it tries to take me off m25 j9 again on a route that traffic is going to be crap. This continues right upto 1 junction before the m3 then the device asks me if I would like to take a route that's 38 minutes faster. Which also knocked nearly an hour off the original eta when I set the device for home. If you are none the wiser you would have taken the original route thinking it's your best option. I now have to check every route I set against a map. Tomtom you have messed up big time here the pro 7100 truck pissed all over this one. You've tried to get to smart with it. I'm ongoing trying to get the live service switched off my device to see if this makes a difference as I find if there are 2 minutes of traffic on a motorway or duel carriageway it also tries to divert me around this sometimes through residential areas. So I will wrap this up saying it's the worse £300 I have ever spent.
Looks like the review issue with routing are primarily related to height restrictions. In looking at your post, was the majority of the issue related to traffic information not known to the unit?

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