POIs: Now you see them, now you don't

Jun 24, 2012
Ontario, Canada
TomTom Model(s)
Sony XNV-660BT
Hi there,
I have a Sony XNV-660BT which is a TomTom GPS built in my dash. For some strange reason, once I update my POIs using www.poieditor.com and re-install them using "Add Community Content", some of them: e.g., Pizza Hut are not on the device when I use "Show POIs".

Does anyone know why this is?

Can I just check whether you think this problem may be due to any confusion between the "built-in" POIs and ones you've added yourself?

"Show POIs" should show the category names for both the built-in POIs and any third-party ones you've added.

But you are only able to add or edit entries for any POI categories that you've added. So if there are two similarly named categories (internal and third-party), you might be looking at the wrong one?

I'm in Europe where we don't get any "brands" showing for the built-in POIs like you do, so I'm not sure of how exactly it works for you in Canada and the US, but I bet it's possible to be even more confusing!
Sorry, I should clarify, these are not the built-in POIs with the black and white symbols. These are POIs that I made using POI editor and my own logos. 90% of them show just the odd one that doesn't. For example, I changed "Wendys Canada" to "Wendys" and it didn't show. Then I renamed and reinstalled it with "Wendys Canada" and it showed again.
As an experiment, can I suggest you try editing the POIs with a different utility?

Go to POIEdit (similar name but different to yours!) at http://www.poiedit.com/downloads.htm

Download POIEdit and use the normal "File" menu to open up your .ov2 format POI files.
Try editing a few names and then resave (maybe using a slightly different name, so you keep the original files unchanged).

Load that new file back on the Tomtom and se if everything is working and you can see the changes.

Also, just to be clear are you trying to change the CATEGORY name (eg "Railway stations", or the names of some of the individual entries inside a category (eg "Grand Central Station"), or both?
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Ignore the maps for now, just load up a POI file and it should show all the entries in a column on the right.
I'm working from memory here as I'm at work (5:30 am!), but IIRC, you can select any single entry and it should show on the Google map and you can also edit it in the ntry box at the top.
Changing the category name is just a matter of changing the file name when you re-save the file.

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