Plus services Traffic vs RDS Receiver


Sep 22, 2006
CA Bay Area
TomTom Model(s)
I have been going around in circles with TT support on this since I "upgraded" from a 910 to a 920. With the 910, I had traffic working on both the bluetooth data and RDS receiver. Right now, after resetting the device on the account and getting traffic moved over, it only works on the bluetooth data service. When I try the receiver, it says subscription expired - go to TT Home.

Note - I have the original receiver - not the USB one.

If you go the TT Home, add traffic - you will see two separate services and subscriptions. I had been told both that I needed to subscribe to them separately, and earlier today - that I could not renew the receiver subscription even if I wanted to - I might just as well dispose of the receiver since I could not use it anymore!

My recent experiences with call-in support have been either very good or very bad (as with the idiot who told me the last one above). So I cross my fingers, call back, and hope I get a better one on the line.

I called again and got a good one. She said that right now, the Plus Services Traffic subscription that I have (subscription through Oct 09) should work on both, but they are having some issues getting it working again. They hope to have it back up by month end - and will send out an email when it is back up, ie. - it was and is their intention to make it work with both sources again.

You can subscribe to the RDS receiver traffic service separately, but it is not part of Plus Service and will not work with the bluetooth data.

Even she said this sounded strange to her, but that is the way it is. I would be happy with the data traffic only, except the new remote for the 920 is bluetooth, so I cannot use it and the traffic service at the same time - unless I use the RDS receiver.

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