Please help - unable to update!

Jul 8, 2010
Can I just caveat this message with the fact that my husband and I are useless with computers/Tom Tom's!? Please bear this in mind if you can help - it could take a while!!!!!!!

We have been experiencing issues now for over a week, when mu husband tried to update.....the message is:

ERROR: Internal/AssertFail: Code bug: We're sorry but an error has occurred during the use of HOME on your computer. Please contact Customer Support.
item using Durham encryption scheme expected
Severity: 1105
0. function assert chrome://tthome/content/logic/util.js:473
throw new Bug(errorStr, "Internal/AssertFail" + (id ? "/" + id : ""));
1. chrome://tthome/content/logic/model/ttNavItem.js:754
assert(this._drm && this._drmScheme == "durham", "item using Durham encryption scheme expected")
2. chrome://tthome/content/ui/subtask/installSelectSome/installSelectSome.js:675
let copiedItem = localItem.createCopyWithDurhamCertificate(certificateFile);
3. chrome://tthome/content/logic/util.js:79
return func.apply(obj, arguments);
4. chrome://tthome/content/logic/downloader.js:424
5. chrome://tthome/content/logic/downloader.js:396

What does this mean? What can we do to ensure that this updates? We have spoken with TomTom - they have suggested that we email - which have now done three times, we have renamed Tom Tom to TOMTOMOLD....moved files to anther drive - but still nothing happens! Is the Durham encryption the problem?
What kind of computer do you have? PC or Mac?

And, if a PC, what operating system? XP? Vista? Windows7?
Same here! I use a laptop with Window Vista. I tried to update new map for almost 2 weeks now. Always Error after Error message! What is wrong with their(TomTom) map update? My 30 days will be up soon so what the heck can I do call them up?
I have the same problem running Windows XP with a TomTom 750. I have struggled with this for 5 weeks and my 30 day free uppgrade is now gone without beeing able get my maps. I have used many ours trying to solve this. Dont think I will bue TomTom next time. Happy to hear i anyoyne has a solution.
dhn asked the OP a question and did not get a reply.

Same here! I use a laptop with Window Vista. I tried to update new map for almost 2 weeks now. Always Error after Error message! What is wrong with their(TomTom) map update? My 30 days will be up soon so what the heck can I do call them up?
I cannot help you but maybe if you had actually sated the Error Message you are getting one of the moderators might have been of help.
And yes, call them, that's what toll free 800 numbers are for.
You could also have raised a Support question by eMail first.
You did register on their web site, right!

I have the same problem running Windows XP with a TomTom 750. I have struggled with this for 5 weeks and my 30 day free uppgrade is now gone without beeing able get my maps. I have used many ours trying to solve this. Dont think I will bue TomTom next time. Happy to hear i anyoyne has a solution.
See above, how can anyone possibly help you if you do not describe your problem in detail.
Call the Support line and see if they can walk you through the upgrade.
Not sure if this is a workable solution for anyone with this or a similar problem nor do I know if this is still relevant since the date of the original posts are few months old now.

However, I was having the same issues as Useless after making an exchange at my local Future Shop. The first TomTom XL350 wouldn't boot entirely even though I could do a complete update and change my preferences from my laptop. Anyway, when I attempted to update my new XL350, it automatically takes the updates previously downloaded and stored on my laptop some or all of which, apparently, were causing the errors. Therefore, by simply deleting all the previously stored files from my laptop via the TomTom Home and then by allowing the TomTom Home to re-download the updates as per TomTom instructions, everything went smoothly. My TomTom XL350 works beautifully now.

I hope this helps someone else who may have the same issues with their TomTom as I did.

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